Jul 26, 2010 19:37
Type "You know you're from (state) when... in Google.
Here are the ones I agreed with or just thought were funny.
The first of all firsts: Brown dirt freaks you out. Dirt should be red.
1. You can properly pronounce Chickamauga(Chick-a-MAW-ga), DeKalb (de-KAB), Dahlonega (duh-LON-uh-guh), Smyrna(SMERna), Valdosta (val-DOSS-ta) , Okefenokee (OH-kee-fin-OH-kee), Seville (SEE-vill), and Albany(all-BIN-nee)
P.S . Atlanta = ADD-LANNA not AT-LANT-A.
2. You think people who complain about the heat in their states are sissies.
3. A tornado warning siren is your signal to go out in the yard and look for a funnel.
4. You know that the true value of a parking space is not determined by the distance to the door, but by the availability of shade.
7. You think everyone from a Yankee-state has an accent. THEY DO! I sure don't.
8. You measure distance in minutes.
10. You listen to the weather forecast before picking out an outfit
11. You know cowpies are not made of beef.
13. You know someone who has a belt buckle bigger than your fist.
14. Almost everyone you know is either Baptist or Methodist.
16. You know everything goes better with Ranch dressing.
21. "Ya'll" is a word.
23. Krispy Kreme doughnuts are the only kind of doughnuts you eat.
24. You call it a cold Christmas if you don't break out in a sweat in your new sweater.
25. Your whole town completely shuts down for 1 inch of snow or just the threat of snow.
27. You know the difference between a hillbilly, a redneck, and a Southerner.
29. Panama City Beach, Florida is a big deal.
30. You understand that at least once a year your car will turn yellow with
32. You say "tuna fish sandwich." Why wouldn't you say "tuna fish sandwich" if that is what it was? I genuinely do not understand this
33. You use "Sir" and "Ma'am" if there's a remote possibility that person you're talking to is least 30 minutes older than you are.
34. You have ever had this conversation:
"You wanna coke?"
"What kind?"
"Dr Pepper."
35. Braves=good. Yankees=bad. Mets=LOATH
47. Savannah is The place to go to in the state for St. Patty's Day. They dye the river green...it is gross.
48. Ironically, you only crave Chick-Fil-A on Sundays...when it is not sold.
49. You know you're from GA if you know the whole “Peach State” thing only applies to those below the fall line.
50. You know you're from Georgia if you have a flip-flop tan year round
51. You know you’re from Ga if you’ve ever used "The Big Chicken" as a basis for directions.
52. You know you're from Georgia if you get dressed extra nice TWICE a week. Once on Sunday morning for church, and once on Friday night for the football game. Obviously not me personally, since I had a uniform already picked out for me for football games...