Jun 15, 2006 02:43
This has to be the worst time of the day for me. It just completely sucks, I used to love all the silence and peace you get from this time of the day. But it seems to be my worst enemy now. I keep having all these thoughts and memories flash into my mind. But with no emotions, I don't feel anything when I'm thinking of them. I just feel really cold (physically)all the time lately. And I space out alot, like I'm in my own little world. I feel kinda bad cause I do it sometimes when am out with my friends. No ones said anything yet. It's just completely random thoughts and ideas of stupid little things. My cd walkman has become attached to me for the second time in my life. I never go anywhere without it. lol I'm stuck on a new album Three Days Grace: One-X. I almost know all the lyrics. I keep running into old friends and people I met years ago, some good and some bad. Moving out of jersey is something I have been giving a lot of thought to lately. Places to go, what I could do for a living, if I'd come back, If I'd ever wanna come back. I keep wondering; is there something I need to change about myself? or is it the things around me that need to change? Things just happen so quick and its hard to keep up. I done a few dumb things lately and I'm not even sure I feel sorry for doing them. It seems like I made the wish it came true, but not in the way I wanted it to. Before the I was trying not to care so much and now I trying to care even if its only just alittle bit. I think I need something to invest my time and energy into. I have so wasted time and energy. Maybe I just need to be left completely all alone with nothing for awhile? There's no way on earth to know what I'm in need of? No more writing, I really just need to lay down.