Feb 22, 2010 11:02
So...over in this feminist kink group, we have:
Women being offended at the word "vagina" being applied for "all female genitalia" rather than the correct term of vulva being for the outer parts...because we all know that the *important* part is the vagina cause that's where the male privledgest dick goes.
Transwomen offended at "female" being applied to "vagina" because that's cissexism at it's finest.
Everyone being offended at just about everything in this swirling ZOMG MALE PRIVILEGE whirlpool.
Good god. My head hurts.
Obviously, feminist theory is not for me. Because all I end up with out of it is a massive headache and the urge to make fapping motions, which is probably also male privileged, considering I'm a woman, don't have a dick to fap, and am confused as to what the female version of making fapping motions would even look like.
You know...
I thought I was done. Then I saw the next discussion taking place. On the social construction of PMS, with the blurb at the bottom:
[Edit: In an effort to bypass cisnormativity, I removed all references to "women" experiencing PMS, except historically. I chose to keep "males" for lack of a better term.]
. . .
My head just exploded.
To bypass cisnormativity????
We're talking about a subject that has to do with hormones found in the female body, those found naturally in a person of XX configuration biologically. Are all females of the XX persuasion? No.
PMS, outside of the social construct does exist due to fluctuations in the XX formatted body. For some of us, it can border on catastrophic (at the time it's happening).
I'm sorry, but I don't see a way to get around the concept of "cisnormativity" to avoid "cissexism" for our transwomen sisters on this one. The hormones aren't there to deal with unless you put them in your body. And if you're putting them in your body in doses enough to simulate PMS, you need to talk to your dr.
If you want to talk about the 'social construct' fine. But don't deride those of us that have something that goes beyond those boundaries as "not really having a problem, just having bought into the cultural construct of PMS."