4 aliens manta slept with & 1 he didn't

Jan 27, 2010 01:03

Title: 4 aliens manta slept with & 1 he didn't
Fandom: Street Sharks
- Characters: Mantaman (and more)
Rating: ...MA.....just MA...
Prompt: 'well it's not like Terry is going to sleep with the first alien that he meets....'
Notes: Something phyr_nyt said. Inspiration fell down the hill like a log.

1) Chedra
As the last of a tail was hauled into the recovery van and the doors closed securely, Manta crouched down to breathe proper after holding it in anticipation of a round three. John was going to scold him eventually (for doing it solo and for getting caught on video; he couldn't have helped the latter, but the former? His excuse would be flimsy at best), but by then, it would be long over with. As it should be. Get the rogues caught, but don't get caught yourself.

Not that the chances of that were getting any higher, when a couple of police officers were willing to look the other way for you, when it mattered.

Speaking of. He dropped to sit, gritting his teeth, and looked up just before Ms. Chardz' hand reached over the short wall of the roof, between the curve of the emergency ladder's sides. She wasn't who he wanted to see, but whatever. He has her number; it made handling her easy, or so he hoped.

"That was," Bodeca started, looking up at him in wonderment, "incredible."

"Who were you watching?" he insisted, flinching at his own tentative touch to his side. "Nate know where you've gone to?"

"You call Lorring by his first name." Bodeca frowned a little, knocked from her elation. "You didn't before."

"You have our secret, and I have yours. I don't need pretenses anymore." His mouth twitched in pain as he shifted. "He thinks he owes me for my old injuries; I keep telling him he's paid me back, and we have an understanding in the end."

"He's neglecting his duties, not turning you in."

"Why aren't you?"

Bodeca thinned her mouth. Manta nodded. "You see the issue, don't you? The sharks are vigilantes, not rogues. You know the city's politics are being manipulated."


"It'll change. We just need time. And then the city can get back to rights again, and we can stop." His eyes flashed green and he had a half-smile to wear. "So what's a pretty alien doing in this backwater galaxy? It isn't for the sight-seeing or you'd be wearing floral shirts and khakis."

"Classified," she chipped, old habits not only in play, but it might as well be the truth. One doesn't go announcing they live with four mutant dinosaurs from Earth's genuine past. "You weren't very surprised before."

"Classified," he mimicked. Which was nothing short of the truth. "I was simply privy to the information of life past the stars. So why a cop?"

She straightened. "That might be for another time." Because she hadn't told Nate where she was going, not that she would admit it. "Will I see you again?"

"The Bat-signal isn't quite operational, but I'm sure you will. You got a real name under that badge?"

Bodeca stopped and eyed him, quickly. The inquisition was innocent enough, but the body language--the tilt of the head, the eye-play, the quirk of a mouth corner--read differently. Two could play this game, and she folded her arms, posturing. "I think I like being your 'Lady Blue' instead."

He laughed, incredulous, and she smiled dangerously, turning away with a swing in her hips. And Manta watched her every move, until she was gone from sight, back over the edge.

Two weeks later, he was calling her Chedra, and she was screaming his name.

2) Bad Rapp
His mind wasn't quite in it, not entirely. He was subservient to a fault, a suppressed independence, but it was still him inside, wishing for some unfounded desire of belonging. His mind thought it was there, with the Raptors, even when some part of his subconscious was trying valiantly (and failing) to correct his mindset, to force himself out of the haze of desperate loyalty.

But then Bad Rapp touched him--used him like he did for everything else, a tool, a pawn--and he forgot why he needed to get away.

3) Argor
There was a difference between pain to hurt and pain to stimulate. Manta made both and took for it, when it came to Argor, lord master creator whatever. A cowardly creature not worthy of his own genius, which is why the blue-skinned creature was chained to a wall deep inside the Pool's Palace (which was no such thing without explanation), half dressed and two inches away from the electricity coursing across the exterior of his glove until it was dancing on his mind again.

Manta smiled a toothy smile, fit for fighting and killing. Argor walked into the wrong party and now, he was going to pay, with everything he had inside him: blood, sweat, and semen (did he have semen? Well, they were going to find out!).

4) "Mr. Green"
"Jesus Christ it's strong! Like hitting a wall. ... You wanna go again?! Bring it on! ... Ack! That's not what I meant--OSHIT! Getoffgetoffgetoff! Geddoff me! What, what the hell is that--FORGETIASKEDOFUCK-- Ah! Fuckfuckfuck--nnn'ahhhhh ooofuck nnnrgh shitshitshitshit AHH! HARDER!"

X) T-Bone
Terry tightened his jaw, in a harsh need to close himself off from recognizing the spaceship was lifting off. He didn't want to believe it, but they were going, going, and would be gone in a blink of an eye. There was no power left on Earth that could stop this inevitable future, this fate, this cruel destiny.

Sucks, his thoughts supplied, distractedly. It wasn't fair. It was just, but not fair, and he was sure there was a difference, because really, what would have become of them if acknowledgment had flown between them? The was just they kept it professional, unhindering. But it wasn't fair that it had to be, or that it had to be like this. You don't yearn for just any-old person, just the special ones, so why did he have to be tormented that that person was not only not human, but also not planet-bound.

It was for the best, but fuck, it wasn't fair at all.

"Are you all right, Terry?" Lena asked, as soon as the light of the thrusters was gone into the night sky.

Terry shrugged a shoulder. "I'm fine," he said, neutral and careful. "It feels like a missed opportunity, you know? I didn't get enough information from them." Among other things.

fandom: street sharks, not work safe (ever), complete

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