my book shelf: it should be a tag all its own

Jan 23, 2010 12:50

I had to rearrange my shelf yet again to fit my new additions (I scored the Dark Reign: YA book for $7.50, nine-fifty under price~), and ultimately had to remove my hard cover HP books (5-7).

And now I'm very confused. I not only managed to fit everything, but I've got even more room now to actually replace not only my HP books, but also my hardcover CSI anthology (it was on sale).

It was VERY organized and compact last time. What the hell changed? I even added two (four?) other smaller books that weren't apart of the previous arrangement, so...Jesus Christ. The hell.

I kind of made a resolution to buy books for only one series this year, and I've already broken it (pre-B&N shopping trip). I think I'll stick with YA and Runaways. Rock Zombies should be out in small book form some time in the next three/five months, and pick up any corresponding Mighty Avenger booklets when I can find them. Otherwise, I think I have everything YA. First 12 issues, Presents, Civil War (w/Runaways), Secret Invasion (w/Runaways), and Dark Reign. And from Runaways, all it is is Rock Zombies; I have vols 1-9 in blue-border books and Homeschooling in hard cover (that was a HUGE mistake; bookshelf is paying for it).

x_x Should have pickled up Sidekicks while I was B&N shopping. Kitsune wants the series; it was on bargain!sale. Oh well.

But the reason I broke my resolution? ...Snagged one book from the last set of Torchwood novels (it was the only one there, damn you!). Not a horrible read, but could have been better.
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