Sentinel Trinity: aha, he dead

Feb 15, 2009 11:35

"Traitor," murmured the dead thing. "Traitor."

Sephiroth closed his eyes for a moment, pained. You shouldn't have punished him to punish me, Mother.

"It was Kadaj," he whispered tiredly, fighting to stay awake. "She made replacements. She took...took you and made three replacements. Kadaj. He'll succeed as long as...the others. Loz and Yazoo. He needs them."

Sephiroth said nothing, only continued to pet the man soothingly. The body was dying, and he kept it close, almost perfectly close. Koarin was going to die because of him, and he was already forgiven. Never had the chance to truly know him, and already he was being taken away and forgiving Sephiroth. Was defying Mother truly worth it, if it came to this?

Koarin's eyes closed and he pressed closer into the crook of Sephiroth's shoulder. Shallow breathing and blood staining them both, he surmised they might have looked like quite the picture. Looking at his betrothed, however, he was left with the impression something might have been missing. They had met frequently, if frequently meant only so often and rarely without a skirmish between their peoples. They had barely touched in all that time.

Now wasn't the case, by Sephiroth's own will. A shallow kiss was pressed to Koarin's lips, and Koarin sighed sharply, contented with the touch, the taste, the knowing he would die loved. Finally loved.

"I've wanted that," he said with a faint smile, "for such a long time."

"Sleep," Sephiroth soothed. "I'll take care of you."

"Why couldn't I hear those lies when I was alive..."

And somewhere, underneath honest flesh and honest bone, beneath an amalgam of powers kept and gifts granted, an actual heart stopped. There would be no Heartless born or Nobody shaped from a child of Jenova; they were too unnatural for the universe to adopt. This was fine. It would mean he would find the other bodies of his brothers and sisters somewhere within this world, and he could bury each in the remains of Jenova's body.

Then make sure the trio of imposters were put to a swift death, if Sora and the others had not done so.

fandom: kingdom hearts, character: koarin creisse

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