I dreamed of a really possessive Falkner. I don't remember what he was so posessive of, but I liked it. Of course, this is
zachary_evans fault and the ault of musing on the Gio/Falkner p!buny I have. I like blood in the right places. Though thinking about where Lance get's stebbed still makes me shudder. Stick, twist, and riiiip. Owwie.
So I can't walked into the bookstore without looking at the William Faulkner books right there on the left. Or stop thinking about Project ARMS and my beloved Tekkamanblade II OVA (David/Deadend OTP). Sigh.
I think it's better to have an imprinted couple before you start a new series, because if you don't, chances are you'll end up like me, with pairings no one writes for. Ever. Someday I'll make a list. Well, actually, it's a given I'll make a list. You know me and lists. I'll redo them again and again until they're perfect.