pilfered from versipellis

Sep 12, 2005 15:15

Look at your LJ "interests" list. If you have less than 50 interests, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five interests, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five interests, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly what it is about these things that interests you so much.

first, he's a revamped version of the real McCoy. I must say, back in the bgeinning, when Ruaki should him to me, I flipped. You could hear my howler of, "WHAAAAAAT THE SHIT?!" across the entire county. ...I didn't like his fin. It was a FIN. A random SPIKE THROUGH HIS HEAD. Not to mention he traded his scarf for Zero's spare wig. And I was livid.

But then I played the game, and not only did he carry a few of his original traits, but his operator was just as aloof, if not cold-shouldery. And let's not forget, he's VAed by the man below.

Once upon a time, I swore up and down all David Kaye had to do was bottle his voice and women would no longer need sex toys. *blush* Though I think I said it better in that entry than I did here. The guy's amazing; no matter what role he's in (Megatron, Blues, Professor X), he's like an aristocrat (which is why no other could ever play Sesshoumaru or Treize).

And he'll always be one of my second favorites. :3

Feathers are one step away from wings and birds, and winged people have a tendency to turn me on. ^_^; But it's more than that. feathers symbolize so much, I wouldn't know where to begin.

What's more awesome that being a farmer?! I really wish I knew where our original SNES game went; we were so into that, long before the series got popular. HM64 only made my obsession worse, because I fell in love with Karen and her cousin, and I did everything I could to keep Cliff around. Cliff and Ann even had a kid...I love this series. But I didn't have much love for Back to Nature. You couldn't get married, and even the characters weren't the same! ...But the twins.... :D

It's the only game in existence that pulled off the ultimate crossover and lived to tell the bloody tale over and over and over again. Plus, ^_~ it remains the only way I'll ever get Blues and Cloud within ten feet of each other without bad friction.

Be it dragons, unicorns, griffins, phoenixes, nymphs of all origins, tengu, gnomes, elves, faeries, I'm just a myth-kinda gal. =)

I love sci-fi as an expression of the technical side of writing. I love having gadgets as much as I love having magic. Not all science fiction appeals to me, however, but still, it's a wonderful ride. ^_~

What's to say that won't make me look like I'm way too egotistical for my own good? I don't know what it was, but it hurt. It had a premise I couldn't ignore, and I didn't. I just...loved it. Sure, I was 14 and it made me cringe like 'whoa mama', because I was watching a cartoon that made me ashamed to like (only because my father was there). I regret missing the end-half to episodes, I regret not catching the name of Lena's brother, I regret I don't remember the name of Spike's trainer and whether Spike was El Swordo or if the trainer was, I regret not seeing the end of that damn To Shark or Not to Shark episode!

But I don't regret being one of its biggest fans.

Did you know it was Michael Bell who first set me down the path to this obsession? Did you know if he hadn't played Lance in Voltron, or gave voice to other characters, it would never have been this bad?

Did you know rob paulsen is also to blame? Had I not fallen in love with TMNT, and Raphael to boot, it never would have happened.

Had I never heard the Ocean Group later in my life, had I never watched Street Sharks and developed an enormous crush for a man I know nothing about, had Rannells never moved to the 4Kids district, had Tockar never voiced Vile in the Mega Man cartoon....Think I would be an obsessed fool if any one of these hadn't happened?

Probably not.

Sadly, I fell short of all the ones I really wanted to do.

fandom: kingdom hearts, va-ing, fandom: megaman exe, meme, fandom: street sharks

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