Why? Because the world needs more PWP's, ya know? Seriously.

Aug 17, 2010 12:41

She opened the medicine cabinet to get something out of it…and when the mirrored door swung back into place, he was there just behind her, where he hadn’t been before.

“OH!! Nico, what in the--”

He didn’t let her finish, backed her up against the sink and kissed her hard. Fingers tangled in her hair as he fused his mouth to hers. She tasted like toothpaste and that other, darker wine that was her own unique flavor. She smelled like something sinful, fresh and soapy clean from the shower, hair in wet, silky ropes wrapped around his hands.


She had her hands on his wrists, trying to stop him, to figure out why he was there, but there was no rhyme or reason. He was the Great Father, the Titan god, the man of the hour in Hollywood…he’d been on the set, and he’d been horny. More than that, he’d been lonely. It hit him, sometimes, like a freight train, leaving his chest tight and his breath ragged with the effort it took just to draw air all on his own.

Breaking the kiss, he let that tension go as he trailed his lips over her neck and chest, taking one breast into his mouth. Her moan rocketed through him, her resistance fading as she stood there, naked as a newborn, fresh from that shower and, as the hand that found its way between her legs could see, wet and ready for him.

A vanish had his clothes gone in a second, and in another he had one finger inside her, thumb brushing over her clit. She slumped, for an instant, as the pleasure of his touch swept through her, but a second after that she had him on the bathroom floor. Flat on his back, he was at her mercy as she let her mouth roam over him, forgetting now and again as her fangs raked over skin, just shy of biting. The nips and scrapes of her teeth had him shifting restlessly beneath her, cock painfully hard and body screaming for more. More of her teeth, more of her heat, because when she wanted it as badly as he did she could get very hot…


This time it was a dark prayer, a plea, a husky warning as to what kind of fire he was playing with before her mouth was on him, sucking and licking as though she was more interested in simply tasting rather than getting him off. For a moment he forgot, thrusting helplessly into her mouth…forgot he was lonely, forgot that he needed her, forgot everything but the fire raging in his veins and the desperate, mad need to come.

It got harder to forget, though, when her hand stroked up to caress his belly, her other wandering over his naked thigh as she worked him. Tangling his fingers in her hair again, he yanked her back up to him for a kiss, tasting the ghost of himself on her tongue.

Shifting, scooting, then she was in his lap, lowering herself onto his cock with a low moan he barely heard past the roar of his own blood in his ears. She moved with him like she was him, knowing all the ways to please and tease with her body…how he liked it harder than Tommy did, rougher, how he liked to watch her come undone before he came himself.

Today wasn’t a day when he could exhibit a lot of self control, though, because she was the one in control now. She played him, worked him, maybe because it was fun and maybe because it was a little bit of good natured revenge for sneaking up on her. Either way, he came first today, head thrown back with a low snarl of pleasure as she took the invitation to dig her nails into his skin, drawing blood above his trapezius so she could bend her head and feed.

He felt her come as his blood touched her tongue, gloried in that singular power he had over her. He felt time slowing and eventually stopping as his own pleasure drew out, even after he was still in her arms, even after he was spent and soft again.

When she fed on him, the orgasm was always absolutely mindblowing.

Some time later he was on his back, and she was licking her chops like a cat in the cream, stretching out her naked body alongside his.

“So…this is how you pass the time in your trailer? By not being in it?”

Nico just stared at her and laughed, tugging her against his chest so he could close his eyes and catch a ten minute nap before he had to zap himself back to the set.

verse - canon {tenebrae nostro}, who - selene karras, what - nsfw

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