Starving For You Here (fic!meme fic for dealing_death)

Mar 24, 2010 15:19

“She’s afraid it’s him, not you.”

Nico blinked, pulling his cell phone away from his ear just long enough to stare at it before he brought it back into place slowly. “Well, that’s…yeah, you done it, kid. Nico Contarini is fuckin’ speechless.”

“Mom won’t call you, so I am. I mean it, Nico…she thinks it’s Daddy, not you. She doesn’t think you love her.”

With a sigh, Nico waved off his PA and turned to walk across the set, finding a secluded spot behind a storage shed where the coffee pot had been set up. He was in the middle of a night shoot, and chilly, but hearing the voice of that strange and lovely girl who was and wasn’t his daughter warmed him to his toes.

He needed it, too, especially since Selene wouldn’t see him, wouldn’t talk to him, wouldn’t take his calls…because, apparently, she thought Nico didn’t give a crap. It was all Signore Lover Boy…

Dio, he was getting pissed off just thinking about it.

“You think it, too?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Do you think all that loves you is that limp-wristed little halfwit?” he repeated, biting his tongue lightly at the harshness of his tone, surprising even himself with it. “You don’t call me ‘Dad’ as often as you did that first night, it’s always ‘Nico.’ I am your pappa, yanno?”

“You’re my pappa, sure…but not my dad. Literally.” she pointed out. “And that just proves my point. I know you’re my daddy, Daddy. But you’re not Tommy Karras anymore, I realize that. I get every last drop of my practicality from Mom, but I swear? Sometimes I think her logic died the day you did.”

Nico laughed a little at that, comforted as always by Aggie’s unique balance of pragmatism and optimistic outlook.

“So you know I love her, si?”

“Of course I do. So go over there and prove it, will you?”

“You bet yer ass. Gettin’ awfully damn cold, if ya know what I mean.”

“Absolutely. Okay, gotta go. Love and faith, Nico.”

“Justice, too.” He replied in farewell, blowing a kiss over the phone before snapping it closed. Narrowing his eyes at nothing, he sighed and turned on his heel.

“Manny! Hey, Mandingo! Where the fuck’s the maledizione director?!” he barked, striding across the set.

Nico had work to do…namely, he had to see a woman about a horse’s ass.

Or rather, see a woman who was acting like one.

what - fic, verse - canon {tenebrae nostro}, who - selene karras, who - aggie karras

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