anonymously4's birthday was celebrated with attitude and pulchritude. Dinner and music and bar-hopping. Well, bar bouncing since we went from HG to EE and back again.
So that was fun. It won the BEST BIRTHDAY EVARRRRR award, so I guess we did something right. I think it was niece Amy's surprise visit that made it the best ever. And the new puppy.
The UD football season opener was yesterday. The following conversation must have happened in 600 dorm rooms, apartments, and sorority houses all across Newark yesterday afternoon, because we saw 1200 examples of this last night:
Whytnee: Omigod what are you wearing to the game?
Katelynn: I dunnooo, probly a denim mini and that blue tshirt they gave us.
Whytnee: Omigod you know what would be so cute? If we cut the neck and bottom off that tshirt and wore a tank top under it.
Katelynn: Like that movie from the 70s! The Flasher Dancer! Omigod let's totally do that! Do you have any of those...cut-things thingies?
Whytnee: Yeah, my mom totally got me a whole back-to-school kit. What shoes are you wearing?
Katelynn: I dunnoooo, flip flops.
Whytnee: Omigod, I LOVE having my feet stepped on! I'm totally wearing flip flops too. You knowww, your highlights look. so. good.
Katelynn: Shut up, they look horrible. Yours look amazing, though. Can I borrow your flat iron? Mine, I dunnoooo, just doesn't work right. Sometimes you can still see waves in my hair.
Whytnee: Omigod, sure! I hope Tailor and Geordann get back here soon with the Malibu. I don't want to sit through a football game without a buzz. That would be. so. boring.
Yeah, that was all over Main Street last night. Whee September.