One more for the night *yawn*

May 10, 2014 01:11

Day 4 Part 1

Dear N,

Writing here like this is kinda therapeutic. I can write an there’s no one who can reply or judge or even see, because no one is going to be looking here after a 6 year hiatus. I can understand why you keep a journal. I should have kept one for you a long time ago.

Looking at this LJ reminds me a lot about being in London and Waterloo. Waterloo, in particular, I haven’t set on foot there for what.. 10 years now? I want to be there again, but I’m afraid of the memories. I don’t want to visit there alone, I don’t want to remember the ghosts.

I think that’s why I sometimes I don’t mind the muddle and confusion, at least, when it comes to things like that. If I was at 100%, I’d remember, way too much.. Too bad I pushed away the happy memories just to avoid the bad ones. I had happy recollections of my times in Waterloo. Points to bring up for next appointment, I suppose.

I haven’t been to a comic/anime/scifi convention in years as well for the same reason. I have been asked to go, but have so far declined for well, the usual reasons. I’m very afraid in social situations and I worry about what everyone else is thinking of me. Gotta put a stop to that.

I hope Bells will draw me a picture, or two. No one has drawn me a picture in years.

It’s so easy to spend way too much time on tvtropes x.x

Sleep time.
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