Jun 17, 2004 23:43
Not much of anything. I'm still on the last Terran mission of the original StarCraft. Haven't played Metal Gear 2 in three days. Though, I'm loving Da Capo so far after 9 episodes. After I get the initial 13 done I'll have to burn them off quick to I can actually get the remaining 13 episode bundle. (This just goes to show you how much HD space I have left, the first 13 is almost 2 gigs)
I wish I could work more...you know, like 40 hours. That'd be great. The concept of making more than just bill money would be benificial.;) *wink wink nudge nudge* Tomorrow is errand day, though it was supposed to be today, and before that the day before, and before that the day before. Lazy, aren't I? Staying up most of the night and sleeping the morning away does that to a person. I'm going to apply where my friend in town works, so that I can consequently not get hired so that I won't have to worry about wanting to work there. Pessimistic fellow, aren't I? I can't help. Why non-fast food businesses want nothing to do with me is beyond me. Yes, I'm quiet, but I'm pretty sure they can hear my voice when I'm applying/interviewing/whatever. I swear to god, the people look at the word "McDonalds" in my work history and immediately throw it out as if I'm not good enough. Well hey, guess what? Maybe I just wasn't lucky enough to work anyplace else! Give me a fucking chance and I'll show you what I can do.
*sigh* In a perfect world...
Now for the rest of my night/early morning: bowl of cheerios, (Hey, I figure if I'm never awake early enough for breakfast, I might as well eat it before I go to bed) maybe watch one more episode of Da Capo, go to bed.
*twitch* *laziness working its way through* Go to bed? Eh.......*smacks self* Do it, god dammit. Now.
*goes crazy* DON'T MIND IF I DO!