Jan 22, 2007 03:17
How can you not love a guy that offers you a castle? Well, actually there are a lot of ways, now that I think about it...
I've always wanted a Prince Charming...never really wanted a castle though.
Wouldn't it be funny if I got a castle before I got a Prince Charming?
See and here I was thinking that ONLY Prince Charmings offered girls castles. I mean, really aren't they just kind of package deals? Princes come with castles kinda like cars come with wheels right?
Well, my best friend totally gave me a frog Prince water toy that, in water, will grow 600x it's actual size. She also gave me a voodoo doll with pins. She told me that I could grow the Prince (metaphysically that is) and if anything problematic came up, I could grow the voodoo doll...
As you've probably already guessed, I never took the voodoo doll out of the damn packaging and I grew that frog prince...
So now I ask, where is he? I have a sneaking suspicion he's very near.
We both just need to grow up. I'm not quite at the end of my fairy tale yet...I'm working my way through the very tedious and challenging Act II.
Today was an excellent day...tomorrow...or rather today...when I wake up, I'll feel even better than I do now! I'm really on top of the moon!
The best part is there doesn't seem to be any reason. There doesn't have to be one.