before writing this i was struggling with how honest and blunt i should be in this entry. but really whats the point of trying to get it out if i bleep out certain words, omit important scenes, blur faces for thier(or my) protection. no one likes watching good movies on cable tv, they ruin the best parts. so, no sensors here? we'll see.
i took a
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The one drawback of the knowledge you’ve gained is to see others succumb to unfortunate situations. If you really care about these individuals you shouldn’t hold in how you feel about where they are or what they’re doing to themselves. Speak your mind Carrie, this is also where you’ll derive your strength, people have to know who you are and what you think. It isn’t as if you’re telling them what to do, you’re only expressing an opinion. Whenever you exhibit this power you’ll learn that you can’t tell people what to do, you can only advise and suggest, it’s entirely up to them to take the time to listen and comprehend what you’re saying. Don't take it personally if they completely dismiss or reject what you have to say, at least you tried. The only burden from all of this is that you’re beginning to evolve to another stage in your life, your priorities have changed, and this is probably the most prominent barrier between you and your past. The more you evolve, the less you will recognize your past and the people you knew. This should be considered a personal achievement, ultimately it will strengthen your understanding of Carrie and what she wants out of this life.
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