Jul 19, 2006 13:05
So Sara and I devised this clever scheme to get a kitten. Our landlords up until this point have been quite unwavering in their no pets stance; so adamant, in fact, that they even specially stipulated no pets in pen on the lease that already had no pets stipulated. Well, we were talking about how we'd seen a couple of mice in our apartment, and we decided that this was the perfect argument to get a cat. Surely, no landlord could be expected to keep an apartment in the city, above a restaurant at that, completely free of rodents and insects. However, our lease ensures us that our landlords will do just that. So doesn't it just make sense to allow your tenants to arm themselves against such pests? And what better rodent and small insect repellent is there on the market? Clearly, us owning a cat is the best answer for all parties.
So yeah, they're finally gonna let us get a kitten. But really I think it's more because they just like us, Even though our argument is pretty iron clad.
We went down to a shelter on 12th and Lombard today, and put in an application. They said we can probably get a cat on Friday. And we know the one we want. There was this tiny gray kitten named Hanna. She's 3 and a half months old. She was so unbelievable playful and friendly. She kept rubbing up against the cage and sticking her little paws through the bars to play with our fingers. And she was so gentle! She wasn't using her claws at all. They wouldn't let us put a hold on her until our application is approved, so I really hope she waits for us!
And we're probably gonna rename her, so suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. :-D