Dance Clubs, Plants, Movies and Pokemon

Jun 17, 2010 23:09

 I went to my very first night club yesterday night~~ Crazy shit.

It was odd because I was nervous that I was gonna be too nervous to dance but the minute I got on the floor with my friends it just came to me. It was a really fun time :D Danced with random people and got sweat on me from at least 5 different people. Also the random man dry hump orgies are fun to watch. I'd so go again... when my knees heal over. I've learned a wonderful lesson not to get low 4 hours straight and expect to walk the next day >_>.

I've started to love my plants again! Well, more specifically, I finally picked up my jade plant from my mom's house. Because I forgot to replanted it never grew taller and leaves fell off ;A;! So now its in intensive plant care (also known as the window by my bed) until it looks like its gonna make some progress past dying. What inspired me to go get it and care for it is that my friend had an amazingly big jade plant in her room and it was growing most beautifully <3!! So hopefully my little buddy'll live. If not, its probably better off that way because I have 'bout four other pots of succulents |D. I wish I didn't like caring for things so much.

Karate Kid was a good movie in my opinion. Pretty much anything that is motivational and has an epic montage will hit home and I'll instantly love it. The movie pretty much made me want to get back into the Chinese language and learn to firebend. One of these is impossible, can you guess which? :D;;; All in all, I really enjoyed it. Made me wanna do better be better~

And just so this post is related to my icon: MY WARTORTLE EVOVLED!!! ♥♥♥!!  I love my Blastoise and we kick ass and take names. I'm thinking of breeding it just because I fucking love the squirtle evolutions >_>! And while we're on the subject of Pokemon, I think my Pidgeot kissed me. o_o. It was kinda weird and cute.

And to top this all off... LET ME SHOW YOU MAH DRAGONZ

Yes, I'm kinda gay for these. Don't judge. They're pretty and I like them

games, movies, nerding, life

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