Part Of (G)

Jun 01, 2011 14:51

Title: Part Of
Author: blackpoetcat
Rating: G
Characters: James Norrington
Disclaimer: Mouse owns all, just playing with
Summary: For the prompt 'Family' at potc_drabbles

Part of the ship, part of the crew.

Black magic and damned souls or not, even those creatures knew that feeling.

I didn't.

Not as a child, when all that counted was power and esteem. Not during my service in the Navy where rules were more important than any moral law.

Not while I was courting Elizabeth, though her father was quite fond of me.

Not with my few friends, no matter how close we were.

Only one time I felt like part of a family:

When Jack's eyes betrayed his sentiments about my pain at Isla de Cruces.

james, potc

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