Aug 09, 2008 08:32

I was going to start keeping a food journal and I guess basic thoughts but its much easier for me to type rather than write so.... here I am.

I've been back from Germany for 27 days now and I now have a month until I go back. I'm a little stressed about that but I think everything is OK.

I think its better for me to keep a Journal. Now I can complain to myself instead of burdening other people with my stupid crap.

Anyway, feel extremely fat. What else is new. Its really frustrating. I hope that this will motivate me more. Before I went to Germany I would say I was pretty satisfied with my body. I weighed about 120 lbs, which is the most I've ever weighed in my entire life but I was, in my opinion, great shape. I was running a min. of 2 miles everyday and even though I weighed a lot, I was pretty satisfied with my overall appearance. Anyway I don't even want to talk about what I looked like in Germany. Thankfully since I've been back I've lost a little bit of weight with just being able to eat things like edemame again on a regular basis. Lately I've also been running a little bit here and there. My energy level has been very low which is discouraging but I guess I just need to push through it.

well today I ate
1 blueberry pancake 150 max
12 oz soy latte             200
1 pkg edemame         300
3/4 cup veg. mix...      200 max?
1 brownie bite               40

soo basically 900 calories. For exercise I...

walked for 8 minutes
ran at 6.5 mph for 27 min
ran at 7.5 for 5 min
walked for 10
10 minutes stairstepper
walked for 4
100 situps

that put my run for distance and time at 3.5 miles in 32 min. not tooooo terrible but also before I left I was running 4 miles in 32 minutes. so I am half a mile or 4 minutes behind my old time.

What helped today was beginning my run at 6.5. I usually begin at 7.2 or 7.5. When running at a slower pace I am able to run for much longer. I think this will get me into shape faster, and then I can improve my time. I think if I would have pushed myself I could have ran at the 6.5 pace for much longer...possibly 45 min. but I can't stand to see such a low distance with such a high time :s so I had to bump it up.

Anyway, On the next run I hope to run at 6.5 for a decent amount of time and then maybe the time after do a run similar to todays.

Right now I'm feeling pretty sick. I think that I am hungry but its too late to eat ( a rule I used to follow, and want to again implement!) I need to plan a better time to work out so I can have some food before and after I work out. I'd like to go in the morning so that way if bryce and sara want to play tennis in the evening I can have another light workout :D

My body is so different from what i was. I feel like I have a lot of cellulite... NASTY! why?? they say its a genetic thing... and I even had a little bit when I was in great shape... but also I think it was from the amount of carbs I ate in germany. Before I left I never ate bread!!!! And I just feel like my tummy is kind of pudgy and like my love handles are getting ready to take over the world.

I feel frustrated because while maybe I havn't been exercising like I should  I feel like I've been doing a good job with eating habits and i feel like I never lose weight unless I'm basically fasting for a week. and then the only exercise I can do is walk. And I like running :) ooooh also I would like to regain strength!!! In march I could do 5-7 pull ups!! now I'm afraid to try and even do one :S tomorrow I would like to do 3 x 10 pushups... which isn't a lot but its difficult for me and makes me sore! eventually I can move to incline PU.

I don't think I will have time for the gym tomorrow because we are driving to WA to see aunt Jean Marie. so thats why I want to do the pushups and eat lightly!

I am happy though that I went today because theres 5 hours in the car tomorrow! I hope I'm sore.

In other news, TMJ is getting worse again (I must look like an idiot clicking my jaw while I run!) and theres a lot of tension in there now. I feel anxious as well. I really hate that. I think my stress is manifesting itself in my jaw (new) and also causing me to sleep a lot. (not new when I'm stressed) I'm excited to go back to Germany. but i will miss my family and things are currently hard with Sam.

hopefully I will fall asleep easily!
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