Sep 20, 2006 23:36
From the top of the roof the sky looks so much closer than before. Too bad we'll never touch it. Those stars are there just to keep you hanging on in hopes of touching part of their stellar existance. Make your wishes count tonight because you never know what tomorrow might bring. And if it all fell down now I'd be happy to know that I had you all here with me. 'Cause you're my life, my blood and everything that's ever felt right. Maybe someday it will all be figured out but there's no rush to do that. The whole deal is the trill, the "thrill of it all". You'll see it my way someday, somehow. Just like the leaves fall to the ground and the snow melts away to another season, you'll see. Life goes on and everything comes back around . And when it does you'll be that much more prepared for it. But those stars are still shining down on your face taking light years to meet those glowing eyes. And that's when you know you're seeing part of the past, something that someone else has shared many times before. You're making that connection with someone just like you sitting up on a roof top wishing for it all the be right. And when the stars bring you together it's perfect.