Friday September 24

Sep 25, 2010 14:37

I was on my way to the bowling meet, riding the 75 Sherbourne bus. Despite rush hour traffic, the fact that it's a two-lane street, and construction in the general area, the bus was moving way more slowly than usual. Then a bunch of fire trucks (around 8-10) plus several police cars rushed past us. When we finally reached Wellesley Rd, the entire road was blocked off by all of the vehicles we saw earlier. As the bus kept heading north along Sherbourne, we were shocked when we looked out the windows.

From a different perspective (not from our bus):

Yes, there was a huge fire and there was still a person trapped several floors up. I feel bad for these folks because I know that there's a lot of physically and mentally disabled residents living in that area. It's frightening.
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