I'm not doing a very good job of getting my shit together yet. So much so that the promising two relationships that began at the beginning of the year are no longer relationships.
After the fairly recent events that happened with
persephoneplace we are still very warm friends that hope to eventually be in a relationship, but we're not in one right now for a combination of reasons. Some of the reasons have nothing to do with me. One of those reasons is that I need to get my shit together and do something with my life.
Sweet girl has been getting increasingly frustrated with my lack of action on a number of fronts and this has been affecting how she interacts with me, her ability to submit to me and respect me and such. After a really long talk last night in which we talked through a bunch of stuff, she asked if we could still see each other but not in a relationship context. Everything would be the same but there wouldn't be the expectation of being involved in each other's day-to-day lives and future expectations and such. Again, she wants to be in a relationship with me, but just can't with how I am right now. Of course, rather than ruin a good thing, I accepted that.
So now I'm only in a relationship with Pie.
I need to figure out what happened to my ability to follow through with things.
I need therapy and haven't been trying hard enough to get it.
I need to sort out what I'm doing for the next 18 months or so career-wise and get on that.
I need to get my life back together and be doing productive, useful things instead of whatever the fuck I'm doing now.
Having two wonderful women who want to be in a relationship with me but are waiting for me to get that shit together is a strong incentive. I hope it's strong enough to provide the impetus to do so.