Aug 09, 2006 23:48
Today I'm feeling like life is just plain good.
I saw my first client today who was a complete stranger to me. He'd heard of me through the emailing broadcast I did. Within that first hour he had enough realizations that his brain was spinning and he was talking about me meeting his wife in a later session, complimenting me on helping him make those connections so quickly. "Nicely done!" he said. I'm beaming with pride. Feeling good that I've made the right decision.
I'm finding other ways to make an income besides just EI. I'm also doing extra work on Friday and career counselling stuff. Whatever I can find that helps along the way I'll do when I can.
Things with Pie are still awesome. Things with frysteev differently so but also. Very much looking forward to camp next week!!
We're starting up organizing the kink convention again. So far it's all pretty low-key, but it's good to start working at that again. It feels good to have something to work on that's ongoing. Now that I'm rested and rejuvenated I'm ready to do that again. It doesn't feel like I'm a slave to the community doing it this time, doing it because I must. I'm choosing to be there this time. That feels empowering.
Meds I've been taking for ADD have been helping me keep focused. If I actually tried to do something that required some energy and thought, I can just imagine what I'd accomplish. So far I'm just doing day-to-day living, organizing here and there.
This has been the first week of meetings I've had in a while. Yesterday for the kink con, today for the Bi Resource Centre and tomorrow for the Bathhouse committee. It's good to be engaged again.
I'm trying to sort out what I'm going to do about the Craft that I've back-burnered for a year. The end of that year is approaching at the end of September. Part of me wants to pick it up again and re-engage but on my own terms. Part of me feels that I've integrated it enough into who and what I am that it's not necessary to do that again. I haven't abandoned my responsibilities, just postponed them, really. I don't have a coven to worry about right now, which makes it easier. There's very little waiting on my return. But I need to make a conscious decision about what I'm doing with that. I know I'll get it sorted out before the year ends.
I'm reconnecting with friends, lovers and making new friends. I feel, for the first time in quite a few years, like I have returned to myself and know who and what I am and what I want. I feel, for the first time ever, like I'm doing what's best for me and won't accept anything else. I'm not overcommitting anymore. I'm making clear and simple plans.
Is that the meds? Is that just where I'm at because of how I've grown and changed in the recent years?
It doesn't really matter to me how I got here. It's good to be where I am.