For the past two years, I write a daily log of what occurs on vacation. And then no one ever sees it. And that is now going to change.
Last year, (2006) we went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and it was most fantastic. Also, this year, I incorporated pictures for the first time.
[Please note that I am exhausted and that I took this at the end of the day. Thank you.]
Alas, we arrive.
Okay, so it wasn’t that simple.
I suppose the best place to start would be in the deep recesses of the morning. Circa, 2:15 a.m. I had just hung up the phone with one Amy Scofield, and decided to get maybe an hour of sleep before our departure.
True to my word, my alarm goes off at 3:16 a.m. I’m sad to discover that I’m actually tired (woe). I wake up, go downstairs, family has risen and all are very cranky &c. And thus, we departed from my loveable house at circa 4:04 a.m.
For about an hour we chitchat and laugh hysterically at inhumane things, as it is early and we are crazy and the coffee on 3/5’s of our family is beginning to kick in. At about 5 I decide to sleep. I ended up sleeping; for the most part, for about ¾’s of this trip. Nothing I’m complaining about. Sleep patterns, psh.
At I believe circa 2:48 p.m., we arrive at our house in Salvo, North Carolina. We made exactly four pit stops, and I only arose from the car for one of them (Starbucks). This house is located in the Outer Banks, wherever those are. The house is relatively dinky, but it fits the mold of past vacation houses. The drive down, once we were actually in the Outer Banks, was quite enjoyable. I really think I’m going to like it here…there were many more shops & restaurants than I had imagined. It actually looks VERY MUCH like the drive down to Cupsogue beach. Really, it’s uncanny…
The house is supposed to have Central Air as it is unbearably hot for the most part at this location, but the system sucks. Thankfully I also have a ceiling fan in my room; unthankfully the boys do not have one in theirs. They may end up in the floor of my room by the end of the week. We shall see.
To explain the situation a bit, we chose the Outer Banks because my father’s brother’s wife(a.k.a. my Aunt Linda)’s family comes out here for two weeks every year for the past six years. We were invited to join them for the first time this year. We are staying at a different house, and we are only staying for a week, but they are probably a two minute drive from us.
After we got settled in from the drive and got all of our things unpacked (::loves computer::) we called my Aunt Linda and Uncle Rich. They came, they gushed (like good family) over the house, my Uncle gave me a tribal necklace. Oh, by the point, my brothers and I had already had a fight over the remote-figured that needed mention. Anyways, by this point, my Aunt and Uncle invited us back to their house.
Their house is HUGE.
I mean, okay, her whole family is staying there. That’s 14 people, four families-obviously, they have a bigger budget than we do. But I am so jealous! It’s so nice, and clean, and new…they have a pool, and a pool table, and many other things such as that. Three floors! And I don’t mean attic & basement included, either.
After I had gone around and introduced myself to everyone I didn’t know, we were invited into the pool. I borrowed one of my Aunt’s bathing suits and jumped on in. It’s a small pool, with a relatively shallow ‘deep end’ if you will, and the water was very warm, but nonetheless it provided us with at least two hours of entertainment. My cousins, Stephanie and Gregory were there […duh]. They’re both younger than Anthony but older than Jonathan by a two year margin. Does that make sense?
After two hours of swimming we were invited to stay for dinner, which was Thanksgiving Night. Yup-turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and all. I thought this was a very creative idea and it actually makes me want to have a big ol’ vacation like this with my family…then I think of my [other] Aunt and her family with us and I cringe. Nonetheless, it’s nice to dream. Anywho, we accepted the invitation to stay and feasted on turkey and lovely Thanksgiving-like things. It was a blast, I really like my Aunt’s family. I’ve met a few of them before, very few times…my Aunt and Uncle live in New Jersey, so we don’t see them as often on holidays and such. It was interesting to see her side of the family. It makes me very excited for this vacation, as we’re going to be seeing a lot of them.
Eventually my dad had had enough to drink (my mom drove home) and we headed back, which is where I currently am now. The bathroom upstairs looks like a clown’s bathroom. Case in point:
And I can’t find ANY semblance of pattern in the floor tiles. Can you?
And, that is enough for one day, especially since it’s only 11 and I’m exhausted.
I hope this vacation turns out to be fun. I’m excited. And at least we didn’t start off with any bad omens, unlike my father’s back deciding to spontaeneously break at the start of our last vacation.
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on… has been stuck in my head all day, by the way.
I will post each day individually. And yes, that means they will be backwards. Deal.