Well gang, here is the much anticipated photo entry to my journal and an update visually of what's going on with me. Although the quality of these pictures by no means touch the sheer brillance of some of Mr. York's work, I do believe they get the point across fairly well. Enjoy! And yes I know I look like a jackass...a good looking one, hah!
Alok and Schue, my two roomies, some of the most fantastic people I have ever had the chance to spend so much time around, a really quality group
My side of the room, complete with the belongings and of course, the vinyl!
The entire 2 room setup.
And finally, drum roll please, and hold your applause untill we are done. The new hair, curtosy of Air Force ROTC. Huah!
I'm going to get used to it, I think the worse part was after I got in front of the mirror the next morning and by simple instict I tried the hair shake, but alas, it's gone! Oh well, life is good regardless, and I hope you guys get a kick out of it!