House Fic: The Looking Glass Multi-Author Universe (so far)

Jul 21, 2014 22:08

So this thing that started on a whim has taken on a larger life than we'd dared to hope, and I've made a master post so we can keep track of it all.

This photo sparked the idea that perhaps the Camera Obscura obscured many things -- that you (or House, or Wilson) might walk in and find that it was a twisted cousin of Narnia's Wardrobe.

Looking Glass Part One, Part Two and Part Three is what happened when nightdog_barks and I ran with that idea.

Reflection is menolly_au picking up a fragment from alternate!Wilson's story during and after that

Prism Part One and Part Two were me and Nightdog again, sparked by what Menolly wrote

West of the Fields is hannahorolve's fusion of the Looking Glass 'verse with her own Left of West and it came to us as a wonderful surprise.
This is an OPEN ficverse; other writers have blanket permission to play in the sandbox if the mood strikes.

looking glass, fanfiction, house, collaborative fic, stationverse

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