Aug 19, 2004 13:40
You know, it really pisses me off when assholes are allowed to print whatever they damn well please about what they dont understand. Granted, Whore Tour is a gathering ground for moronic young fucks who like shit bands like New Found Glory and Good Charlotte but there were a lot of good bands there too damnit. And i was there as well. Which is why i wrote this.
In response to the article printed for August 19th, 2004 about the Van’s Warped Tour entitled “Punks on Parade” :
I would first like to start by saying that I, as well as thousands of other youthful deviants at the Warped Tour Wednesday, am over 15. I would also like to point out that there were many other bands playing their hearts out to their respective fans, that there was but one band with the name Rise Against and also that not one other group at that show sounded anything like them. You would think that after all the years of mass media’s golden age, items such as the one printed for Thursday’s entertainment section would be revised and worded in a way so that there are no biased points suggested to a mass form of audience. Apparently we still have not reached such a point, thus articles are still printed that hold dear to the stereotyping of young teens showing pure angst against their predecessors by going to a musical display of a different genre rather than to Britney or many of the other bubblegum sounds of today’s popular culture. There are many young people who are still sizing up what they think they like and are experimenting with the many options available to them so it is easy to characterize shows that cater to an all punk rock crowd as delinquent producing. However, if one were to research more into punk as a culture, one would realize that there are more fans who have decided what they like and are of sound age than that of the younger fans that are still discovering what they enjoy. We are not all “teeny-boppers” who go to the show just to see a bands face. There are many of us who attend a show for no more reason than to hear the music. Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with the youngest of the transition punks to go to these shows and crowd the gravel parking lot, but honestly, next time an article is going to be written on this show or anything at all like it, either let me do it or interview more than the little ones with their trucker hats sideways with black eyeliner on; interview the older people or even that 80 year old man I met who was here to see one of the smaller bands few had heard of. At any rate, please make sure that all future articles having to do with what my culture enjoys are unbiased. Or we’ll get you.