happy last month of summer break

Aug 01, 2006 13:10

Yesterday was pretty fun. It was the annual church picnic. first, we went to the petting zoo because it's frickin awesome. the horse stepped on my foot when a little girl almost jumped unto her back and she side-stepped backwards. that hurt a bit. but yeah, there was this absolutely gorgeous dog and i wanted to sleep on him because he was all soft and fluffy and stuff. but he was REALLY hot cause of the.... heat... yeah. i had a goat almost sitting in my lap (might i mention i was wearing a not-so-long skirt 'cause it was at the beach and we were going swimming...) so that was sorta awkward but still fun. then i went and pet the chickens. they're awesome. one of them just sat there next to my knee letting me pet it until all the crazy psycho little kids came up and started trying to poke her with sticks. i put a stop to that pretty fast. "no sticks" *breaks stick and throws it over the fence* but she came and sat on my lap after that so it was fine. she was a nice chicken. i didn't know that they lay eggs approximately every 27 hours. cool. i wanna chicken. lol. no chickens. *cry* but yeah, they closed at five and had to leave (i assume so the poor animals wouldn't die of heat stroke. even the chickens and swans and geese were panting) so i went swimming with my cousin. Jordan is extremely entertaining. She was looking for rocks. so i helped. we swam for quite a while, got sunburned and went back up to where our mom's, my other cousin angela, charlie (jordan's friend who has a crush on angela), and Alex (Angela's friend who has a crush on angela) were. we ate watermelon. i screwed with alex's head a bit, which was kinda fun. he didn't swim at all. he sat there reading his book until me and jordan got back. He was hott for a freshy. but a prude if i ever saw one. dude, they were calling this kid a spaz over something most of us would call depressed behavior. he just said something, not spazzy at all, and they jumped on him like ravenous wolves. i kinda felt bad for the kid. angela doesn't like him. even much as a friend. and she still strings him along. *shrug* so i was nice to him and apparently he took that wrong. oh well. i probably won't ever see him again so it's all good. zimmerman's a ways away. i kinda feel bad for the kid though because angela is using him for his money. he has quite a bit apparently. so she just does what she does best and gets him to buy her stuff. that's why i like jordan. everything is straight up with her. if she likes the guy, he knows. if she doesn't, he knows. if she's using him for money, he knows. it's weird. but she's so much fun to be around that apparently they are fine with it. she had four boyfriends at one point because of this. they were all fine with it. my aunt thinks she's not doing well in that department. i think it's funny. because every time i go over there she has one of her boyfriends over or is talking to him on im or something and they are head over heels for her. that family is screwed up. laurie (my aunt) is filing for divorce and my uncle, Lincoln, is way against that shit. but he's hiding money from her. he takes part of his own money and puts it in another account or whatever and takes some out of their joint account and puts it in there. and uses it on himself. my cousin, Paul, who's in iraq, went to iraq for a reason. I miss paul. he's the one who gave me that brown adidas hat that i freak out about. i dunno. but yeah, they left, leaving jordan with us because jordan doesn't particularly want to spend well over an hour in the car with angela and alex and her mom (she ignores her. literally. because jordan looks like lincoln and angela looks like her, angela gets all the attention and jordan is the "drama queen" and is "too clingy" wtf?) so we went fishing :) off the dock. it was kinda fun. i caught the biggest and i don't think it weighed over two pounds lol. it was a really small perch. the rest were all sunnies and such. i caught an almost completely yellow one. i caught the pretty ones lol. but i killed like three of them and that made me feel like crap. poor fishy. but i have decided that i need a fishing pole at some point. it was fun, though. then we went to their house. we watched bad santa. very odd, sad movie. then we played spongebob squarepants life..... ? i love playing with jordan. she cheats for herself AND the person she's playing with. it's brilliant. by then it was just past midnight and we went upstairs and watched she's the man. it was a cool movie. it worked out a little too well in the end but it was insanely funny. it coud have been the fact that i was really tired but i was rolling around laughing. amanda bynes would have made a better guy. she's less...... odd that way. i don't know but she has always sorta bothered me as a chick and not so much as a guy. funny movie. but after that we had to leave. TOOOOOO LAAAAAAAAAAATE!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. i'm still tired. i'm gonna go now so buh bye.

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