Drabble:Opportune Moment

Mar 03, 2008 17:58

 Written for the "I should have..." prompt at

Title: Opportune Moment
Pairing: Sparrabeth
Rating: something around T
Words: exactly 100! Not counting the title.
Summary: Elizabeth understood perfectly what Jack meant by “the opportune moment”, that fleeting instant that can change one’s life forever.

Elizabeth understood perfectly what Jack meant by “the opportune moment”, that fleeting instant that can change one’s life forever. She had missed her opportune moment when she had pushed Jack away on that island. She should have gotten utterly, blissfully drunk on rum. She should have kissed Jack, she should have given herself to him (she always blushed slightly at the impropriety of this thought) and she should have fallen asleep with her head on Jack’s bare chest, hearing his heartbeat in her ears, her rum-tainted breath mingling with his, and their dreams sailing away together into the tropical night.

Comments are love!

potc, drabble, sparrabeth

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