15.19 and 15.20 IT DIDN'T SAY THE END. Pre and Post Watch.

Nov 23, 2020 01:29

Okay. Ginger drove the drive. We got the recliner (kinda - it gets here in December?!). We got the giant TV. We got the dog. And we got the pie. I got apple for The Boys. Ginger (tahirire) chose cherry for The Refur. Because it's our SPN Series Finale Night y'all. Our last episode ever. Carry On.

ETA: Well. That was good. That was the right way. That was exactly what Dean and Sam really wanted. I even got part of my stupid little ending LOL. Ginger wants to scroll all of kroki_refur old fics to find the original ending story where we all read it and thought :yes THAT's it:, (she friends locked them long ago). So good to see the whole crew out there. That's what got me. I started waving and crying at all y'all asshats. Thanks guys. Every single one of you. There really aren't words for the amazing thing this has become. Thanks for being family. Thanks for sharing the story with us for all these years. What a ride... that should never really end.

"There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, the other is getting it." -- Oscar Wilde

ETA the second: Of COURSE we cried! My absolute favorite part was Dean finally telling Sam his secret - the one that Dean's been hiding and hearing about from every big bad forever, like everyone knew but Sam... psh like Sam didn't already know.

ETA the third: Since we actually watched 15.19 and 15.20 back to back, I have failed to present Mr. Calvert / Richie Junior with the credit he deserves for flexing his eyeballs from dumb to teenager to deamon to master of the universe in approximately eighteen plot seconds, in the scheme of things. I think he pulled it off brilliantly. It was one of those SO GOOD moments that you just go YEAH... THAT. YES GOOD. and it hits you later that.... no, that was not an easy feat.  He did an amazing thing, which was take the entire end game on his shoulders. Then he sold it.  As a character with more plot twists and side quests than anyone else has ever had. Personal opinion, that build literally made me wish we had finished publishing No Way Back, and that my dude, is the highest compliment that I can possibly give, that the person outlives and lives outside the Show and we want to keep building. Because we had solved the purpose of the monsters and the need for power vacuum in slightly different ways, but playing with the same elements there, it was SO COOL to watch it play out in Show IRL with all the tech and financial realities. Somebody help me talk Ginger into finishing it. I can't - literally can't - do it without her. ;)

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