15.18 is the spit take you do when all cards are laying on the table but the dealer starts shuffling

Nov 07, 2020 01:15


FRI 10:56 PM

Me: Okay so I'm sitting down to watch it. (Amazon Prime for the win.) Wondering if they ever get any further with the Jack, Queen (Cas), King (Sam), Ace (Dean), Joker (Bobby) thing like...

G: Weeeeeeeell

Me: So yeah....I can see how that broke the internet.
Funny thing is, I just reread Zeitgeist again on Wednesday night hahahaha

G: Lol yeah it's like ... Sam had the key to death, literally. And then Dean killed death. So they were so close and then everything else went BlOoOBDRGAefTGjIfttt

Me: Poor Jack. The story can't kill him "the right way" without Michael.

G: He'll be there. Dean specifically said he wasn't answering their calls which means at some point he'll answer.

Me: Yep.

G: I felt like it was total fanservice but since we're stuck in fanfic land anyway, at least it was a good, internally consistent fanfic that remembered past canon so I didnt hate it. Just the Cas part I mean.
(voice drop on how Misha knocked it out of the park 0:57)

Me: I always thought that true love didn't have a gender so...
(attempted voice drop about how Cas not getting the one thing he wanted... which was for Dean to achieve peace and finally be able to stop fighting; that Cas thought he would attain happiness if he could just see Dean happy and at that point, of course, Cas would go anywhere gladly, so it was a no-brainer to promise the Empty the happiness barometer when your bestie is a perpetual downer... and how hard they've worked to find even glimpses of it... when being together was all along, the journey versus the destination, was the thing.... but my internet hates me and it won't send)

G: Lol well yeah also Cas doesn't have a gender.
(voice drop about how it felt like the rapture with all their friends getting taken)

Me: It IS the rapture. Also rapture means happiness.

G: Yeah but it's a weirdly localized to only our friends one? Or maybe not...But that they know of.

Me: No [not that Dean knows; that's why answering Sam's call wasn't urgent for him. They're all 'safe' and he just lost the most important person in his life. Guy needs a MINUTE.] ... All the playgrounds were suddenly empty.

G: Oh yeaaah. Yeah, I like that as a play. Good play.

Me: I think Sam and Jack could feel it because Jack even says it. But he said it the way an innocent child would say it, in the form of a question. It wasn't just them...?

G: Honestly I really like this one, everybody is SO upset and I'm just like yes, that all actually tracks, good job lol
I got thrown off trying to figure out why it looked like Jack was killing plants.

Me: Yes yes yes it tracks NWB. Cuz he did!
He doesn't have NO powers .. he just doesn't have the same one.

G: Yeah like they got inverted. I'm intrigued by that.

Me: He is the reincarnation. Oh I thought [the magic poof cloud] was a Marvel shout-out lol. Which was weird because Charlie's angel didn't fizzle, she just disappeared? Might be more than one somebody doing this... Or I am over guessing shows inability to be consistent lol

G: Lol I mean I'm sure it was [a shoutout] but it didn't need to be [so obvious]. To be fair like every 2nd election meme is Avengers so maybe I'm just burnt out lol

Me: What was the title of this one?

G: Despair.

Me: Should have called it Glory Hole.

G: Agreed.

achievement unlocked, but i'm not wearing any pants, pepole think this review is worthles, late nite conversations, we are done professionally, ginger would like it to be known that..., nobody thinks you're funny, angels are not so obi wan, hang on to yer ass, ping pong time, i before e except after icwydt, tentaculacular, kripke is all kill kill kill, misha bomb squad collins, fic: no way back, tactical bacon, thinky thoughts, wat, bobby!, spn instareaction post, oh captain my captain, it made everyone gay as a rainbow fart, there are no words, i like this game, i'm in ur el jay making ur posts, take a chill pill, sisteh pimp, what is this faggot tree?, oh noes, myheartwillgo oooooooooooooooon, don't touch that

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