*snicker* except for the road trips. I'll take that one. And the Supernatural one. And the ... well okay. They got 4 outta 6.
In 2007,
blacklid resolves to...
Find a new supernatural.
Buy new road trips.
Spend less time on theatre.
Apply for a new estei.
Go to the chevy trucks every month.
Admit my true feelings to sylvia_bond.
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
blacklid sent to me...
Twelve ficwriter1966s drummingAND....
Eleven sparklingrocks piping
Ten erinruas a-reading
Nine onci_diums gardening
Eight old cars a-painting
Seven books a-writing
Six computers a-hiking
Five che-e-e-evy trucks
Four road trips
Three great danes
Two old movies
...and a theatre in a vocabulary.