If you tie the laces together, you won't lose your shoe, but then you can't walk.

Apr 29, 2011 11:09

This is a follow-up to this post, in which I word-vomited about plot and thought a lot and didn't really make a lot of sense. Hopefully, this post makes more sense. It's speculation since I have only seen up to the western episode.

Season 6 is a tough nut to crack. We're used to figuring out one "big bad" at a time: one antagonist who is trying to throw a wrench in the works for everybody. This year, there are so many that it's difficult to say what it all means or see where it's going.

To get surreal for a moment: the "big bads" planned it that way.

The reason that tying it all together is so hard is because all of those sides have their own motivations and their own goals and their own reasons for believing in what they're trying to do. The armies being built to accomplish those ends has been going on for years. The war may be new, but the preparations for it began long, long ago.

Which points to one thing, which is the question that everyone is asking: "How does it all connect?" That is the whole point of the season. Maybe the answer is the question.

How do we all connect? As humans. As people. As souls. As a planet. As we leave the planet to other realms. That connection -- the ties we have to those we befriend and love -- is the meaning of being here. It's what you'd die for. It's what you'd come back for. And what if someone's family, and those they befriend and love, are not something that you would consider to even be human? What if they are criminals, or monsters, or deformed, or devout to a religion that you don't understand or agree with, or what if they feel compelled by some other force to do something you perceive to be wrong?

And what if they feel the same way about you?

What then?

Who is right?

What do you do if you can't tell who is right and something needs to be done?

(and in this 'verse...)

Who is the only one who knows?

And where do you find him?

Nitty-gritty time:

People can come back from the dead, go to Heaven, to Hell, or some other place we know nothing about. Demons can come back from Hell. Angels can fall to Earth. Monsters can hide in plain sight. No matter who you talk to ... it's all about being human -- and getting just one more chance.

All of these beings want what humans have been given freely, and they watch as we throw it away on a daily basis.

Earth is Ground Zero for every other realm. Whoever controls Earth controls the Origins. You control that, you control everything else. Now wouldn't that be a trip.

They all have their own reasons, too. 

Death (and Fate) and the reapers are curious about this recent turn of events with reincarnation of humans and angels because they're tired of the revolving door. It would be like herding cats. Nearly impossible. If Death can determine the cause (via his good friend Dean) then he can reverse it.  In the end, he is supposed to reap God, too. The only way to ensure that he can continue to fulfill his role is if they puts a thumb in the dike... and find out whose thumb he needs to use.  (makes me think of: Max Payne)

Raphael and his angels want paradise. They haven't been able to achieve this in Heaven, so the only alternative location is Earth. They can find and use those who are vessels for obtaining paradise. If the monsters will help them, give them the human scraps for their own purposes: simple alliance. Only some humans are useful as vessels in order to attain this world, but that's just a simple and easily excused consequence. Raphael is very similar to Lucifer (and Meg) on this front, except that Raphael doesn't harbor resentment toward humans regarding love: their deaths are just a side-effect to his plan.  (makes me think of: Alien vs Predator)

Eve and her father monsters want to use humans to breed bigger, faster, better monsters. Beings that are no longer dependent upon humans as a food supply, but are rather the perfect combination of the two. All within her realm would go to Purgatory, which is connected to Earth. With a little more experimenting, she can re-generate her kind at will. These beings would not be eligible for a trip to Heaven or a Hell, putting both out of business. (makes me think of: V)

Crowley knows this and wanted to find Purgatory and put Eve out of business before she ever started. Crowley wants the world to pretty much stay the same. He likes it here. It's quite a failing in a demon. His business of making deals -- giving humans whatever their hearts desire -- was his way of making humans happy on Earth so that they would serve him later in Hell. The best way to take control is to create a mass of demons who are beholden to him for their lives and will do his bidding when they return to Earth. Lucifer, Meg, and most demons loved it because it damned more ungrateful human souls. They didn't see the potential catch-22. (makes me think of: Good Omens)

The main caveat to Crowley's plan (and some monsters in Eve's case, and angels in Heaven's case) is that demons have desires, too. What demons want more than anything is peace and freedom. The only way they can get it is by dying. If they can't go back, they want it all to end. They want to take over humans and run them into the ground as a suicide mission. So whoever takes over the seat in Hell has a mutiny on their hands. (makes me think of: Constantine)

Castiel still wants to find God. He is using that caveat with the angels who want freedom to his benefit. He is certain that God is the only one who can set everything right again. The only way to talk to God apparently is via the human soul: Joshua being his primary example of the access certain vessels have to the Throne. If he can find enough or the right kind of souls, he can build a communications system strong enough to reach God and ask him to come home. He has been devious and secretive in a way reminiscent of Sam when he was trying to get Dean back, and the way Dean was when he was trying to save Sam and their parents. Castiel just wants his father back, and he'll do anything to make that happen. A red phone to the top authority would be the most epic, permanent war machine that anyone could possibly build. (makes me think of: Paradise Lost)

At least, that's what I think. What do y'all think?

achievement unlocked, we caught the narnia, what is this i don't even, die in a fire, angels are not so obi wan, fearthewrathofthe eta, meta, tentaculacular, sera gamble i want to have your babies, nobody asked you, on the other other hand, kripke is all kill kill kill, teh awesum, anansi boys, tactical bacon, thinky thoughts, relevant relevant relevant, it's where things go, word of the day, i am overly excited, but what does it mean, sam and dean own my soul, i think i might die, it's conjoined twins, pretentious fan is pretentious, 113, in the cemetery, going to hell, lunch around the stone table

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