[10:16:24 PM] Ginger: I need music.
[10:16:29 PM] Ginger: What's good zombie-killin' music
[10:16:42 PM] Karina:
http://www.lyricsmania.com/say_yes_lyrics_floetry.html[10:16:53 PM] Ginger: wow. that was fast.
[10:16:54 PM] Ginger: O.o
[10:17:13 PM] Karina: now you can't say I never did anything for ya
[10:17:29 PM] Ginger: lol, how is SAY YES good zombie killin' music?
[10:18:34 PM] Karina: they ATE their LOVED ONES, yes?
[10:18:49 PM] Karina: you think that little kid just OVERWHELMED his own father?
[10:18:53 PM] Karina: *eyeroll*
[10:19:05 PM] Karina: *snaps fingers*
[10:19:29 PM] Ginger: *narrows eyes*
[10:19:33 PM] Ginger: I call reaching.
[10:19:50 PM] Karina: ask The Brain, then
[10:21:00 PM] Ginger: I was thinking something a little more like this -
http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/d/drowning_pool/let_the_bodies_hit_the_floor.html[10:23:33 PM] Karina: you're no fun
[10:23:40 PM] Ginger: lol
[10:24:17 PM] Ginger: it's ZOMBIES, not rocket science
[10:24:41 PM] Karina: says the girl who wanted Barry White music the other day
[10:26:51 PM] Ginger: I did, didn't I.
[10:26:58 PM] Ginger: What was that for? I can't remember.
[10:27:51 PM] Karina: it's ZOMBIES
[10:28:11 PM] Karina: there will be no love songs. love songs have been denied
[10:30:00 PM] Ginger: i forget what the barry white was for, but I wasn't going to use it
[10:36:10 PM] Karina: see
[10:36:32 PM] Ginger: I see a lot of things.
[10:40:06 PM] Karina: oh my god, kill the elevator music
[10:40:10 PM] Ginger: what. the. frack.
[10:40:12 PM] Ginger: lol
[10:40:20 PM] Ginger: I thought you were working on yer REVIEW, lol
[10:40:21 PM] Karina: it's our new tie breaker
[10:40:28 PM] Karina: I AM
[10:40:30 PM] Ginger: tie breaker for WHAT
[10:40:36 PM] Karina: barry white
[10:40:42 PM] Ginger: I'm not using Barry White!
[10:40:53 PM] Karina: we'll see
[10:41:03 PM] Ginger: I don't even remember where it is or how it came up before!
[10:41:11 PM] Ginger: what complexity level should we use?
[10:41:11 PM] Karina: I can look it up
[10:41:22 PM] Karina: the one where I kick your ass
[10:41:28 PM] Ginger: and how come you get to be x's?
[10:41:34 PM] Karina: because I'm older
[10:41:40 PM] Ginger: 6 it is, then
[10:42:02 PM] Karina: good god, this board is huge
[10:42:07 PM] Ginger: lol
[10:42:13 PM] Ginger: that's what you git
[10:44:01 PM] Ginger: There. I'm not using Barry White.
[10:44:24 PM] Karina: I already knew that
[10:44:58 PM] Karina: but now you have to say that it's because you beat me down at tic tac toe
[10:45:17 PM] Karina: Bon Jovi?
[10:45:22 PM] Ginger: lol
[10:45:28 PM] Ginger: what about Bon Jovi?
[10:45:45 PM] Karina: does he have any good zombie raves?
[10:45:47 PM] Ginger: I wasn't asking for music for the review, I was asking for music to listen to while I edit.
[10:45:54 PM] Ginger: i honestly dk.
[10:45:56 PM] Karina: you're boring
[10:46:19 PM] Ginger: yep. that's why you never write me anymore.