(no subject)

Nov 25, 2008 13:02

Well, here I am again, finally returning to livejournal after far too long an absence. It's amazing how the minute something isn't part of my daily routine, I almost entirely forget about it (I'm referring to habits here, not people of course). This is probably the same reason that my exercise routines tend to swing between extreme laziness and obsession, as I try to make up for lost time.

Regardless, I have returned to this journal now with a new oath to keep it updated. I'm hoping this will be aided by the new device that I recently purchased: an LG Sharp Sidekick phone, which I happen to be typing this entry on right now. For anyone who talks to me on messenger, this is also why I'm listed as 'on mobile' most of the time.

I'm currently sitting around enjoying a rainy lunch at the office. I was just marveling as to the fact that somehow I've managed to keep my job for over a year now. I still was half sure that they would throw me out on my ear at the end of my first season, and now here I am fast approaching my second. It really makes my head spin. Don't get me wrong though- I am very glad I still have this job. I'd feel terrible if I had made Kami move over to this side of the mountains for nothing.

Kami and I purchased a house recently. We managed to put down an offer right after the big rate drop in September, but before banks stopped loaning money entirely. Its a cute two bedroom two bath that is just a five minute drive (or 20 minute walk) from the office. Nothing better than being able to walk to work each morning. It's also only a short drive from both Tacoma Boys (which specializes in local products), and Mary's Market (which has a huge vegetarian product assortment), as well as being about a mile away from Costco, which is just cool on all fronts.

Well, just about 48 hours till I'll be over in Moses Lake for Thanksgiving. Kami has been over there since last Tuesday, and its been mucho quiet around the house without her. I've caught myself talking to our cats way too much.
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