NAME: Caitriona
AGE: Old enough
GENDER: Female
Addams Family - Morticia Addams
Pride & Prejudice - Elizabeth Benett
Reverse Match: Supernatural - Sam Winchester
Reverse Match: Harry Potter - Remus Lupin
I can guarantee the closest shave you'll ever know.
LIST YOUR POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE TRAITS(feel free to elaborate): I tend to be honest and sarcastic; family-oriented but a loner. I love to laugh and can be witty. Usually intelligent, but stubborn and opinionated as well. I'm fairly laid back, but if you go after someone or something important to me, I will come after you with both barrels. To paraphrase a song I like - I don't like to fight, but I ain't scared to bleed. I also have a bad habit of holding grudges...if you get on my $#!+ list, it takes a long time (& maybe an act of God) to get off it. If you hurt a member of my family or a close friend, it will DEFINITELY take an act of the Almighty to get you back to neutral. I'm a great listener, and people will tell me about their problems. I'm good with faces and bad with names, and I like to procrastinate...A LOT.
DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY (how you see yourself, feel free to use different tests):
Reserved and
Faithful Visionary --
ISTP "Craftsman" -- my "goddess archetypes" are
Persephone/Mystery, &
Demeter/Nurturing (listed all three because they are separated by 1 point each, so fairly darn close),
Enneagram Type 6 - The Loyalist,
Enneagram Wing - Type 5 - The Investigator DESCRIBE HOW (YOU THINK) OTHERS (strangers, friends, family) SEE YOU: Pretty much everyone sees me as great listener. People will tell me all sorts of things - from relationship troubles to abuse issues. Back in high school, my mom said it was because I had a sense of serenity around me - it gave people the feeling that I might have some answers or at the very least, be a non-judgemental listener. My boss sees me as a loyal, honest smart-ass. People in general see a friendly, soft-spoken lady who tends to be somewhat absent-minded. I apparently inspire the helpfulness in people, so I'm presuming they see me as a bit helpless - which I'm totally okay with - I love it when I guy offers to hold the door, carry a package, or change my tire. (I really don't need rescuing from life, but if he wants to save me from the dastardly car or the evil hordes of creepy-crawlers, I can swoon with the best of them.)
HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH STRESSFUL SITUATIONS? Usually during the situation, I am calm and in control. I deal with whatever has to be done and make sure everything is taken care of properly. Once the situation is over, and it is safe to relax my control, thats when everything hits me and I get shaky.
HOW MUCH DO YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS MEAN TO YOU? Everything...particularly my family. Only my faith is first, and I'm blessed that my faith considers family of supreme importance. I would drop anything and everything if my family needed me to.
BEST PART OF THE MOVIE: I haven't actually seen it yet. I'm more familiar with the musical. I think one of the best things about the story is the reality that even good people can do horrible things when hit with tragedy.
In these once familiar streets I feel shadows ... everywhere ...
How much evil can be done in pursuit of good? Too much - too many people believe that the end justifies the means. While I firmly believe that intentions should be the main focus of judgement, methods and consequences should NEVER be left out.
How do you explain the fact that bad things happen to good people? I am going to focus on acts done by people, and leave out natural disasters/accidents as that would lead to a long philosophical/religious discussion that I'm pretty sure you don't want to read. Any way, looking at the storyline of Sweeney Todd, bad things happen to good people because other people make the conscious decision to do evil. Whether through anger, lust, envy, or pride, people choose to say or do things that cause harm to other people. I firmly believe in the reality of evil, and unfortunately there are too many people who choose to align themselves with that darkness rather than choosing the light. People will rationalize it away, claim that morality is relative, but it does not change the fact that they have chosen to indulge the darker side of human nature to the detriment of their fellow man.
I had a good day. You had a bad day. Was the day good or bad? Pretty much as you stated - good for you, bad for me. While I do not believe in moral relativism, the perceptions people have of the situation can be quite relative.
The personality trait(s) that make you your own enemy: I have a temper that has a really long fuse, but once its lit - BAM! I can hold a grudge for a LONG time.
INTROVERTED OR EXTROVERTED? Introverted...seriously, I took one of the online tests that says I'm 107% more introverted than average.
EMOTIONAL OR STOIC? If I feel safe, I'll be more emotional, but in a crisis or among strangers, I'm generally stoic.
LEADER OR FOLLOWER? Reluctant leader - I don't want the responsibility, but I'm not going to follow a bad leader or watch while people wander around aimlessly.
FIGHTER OR LOVER? Both - if you are unwilling to fight for what you love, then you don't really love at all.
SPENDER OR SAVER? Well, I'm not a great saver, and I like to spend, but a good portion of my check also goes to charity, so I'm not sure where I fall on this line.
TRADITION OR CHANGE? Tradition for the most part...change when necessary - I don't believe in change just for the sake of change. Change makes up the leaves of the tree of life while tradition makes up its roots - without both, you have a dead tree.
SOFT-HEARTED OR TOUGH-MINDED? Both with a lean towards tough-minded. Mercy without justice can often be worse than justice without mercy.
May the good Lord smile on you...
Pick one of the Seven deadly sins:
[ ] Wrath
[ ] Greed
[ X ] Sloth
[ ] Pride
[ ] Lust
[ ] Envy
[ ] Gluttony
Pick one of the following:
[ X ] A proud look.
[ ] A lying tongue.
[ ] Hands that shed innocent blood.
[ ] A heart that devises wicked plots.
[ ] Feet that are swift to run into mischief.
[ ] A deceitful witness that uttereth lies.
[ ] Him that soweth discord among brethren.
Which character don't you associate with (please explain): I'd rather leave the field as open as possible since there are so few characters.
Is there anything else you would like to add? Thank you for voting. If you wouldn't mind leaving an explanation, I'd be exceedingly grateful!
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