Aug 24, 2008 19:53
According to ancient Greek mythology, Sagitta represents Cupid's Arrow. As in the Valentine tradition, Cupid is known for inducing his victims into highly amorous, procreative moods by shooting arrows through their hearts. Here, we are reminded of Sagittarius shooting his arrow through the heart of the Scorpion. Like Cupid's victims, Scorpio is traditionally charachterized as being procreative. It is the one sign of the zodiac associated with the generative organs and with sex.
As noted earlier, astrologers sometimes depict Scorpio as an eagle, the symbol by which it is represented in the Sphinx cryptographic key. The eagle form traditionally represents Scorpio's higher constructive creative aspect, whereas the scorpion form traditionally represents the sign's destructive side. Consequently, the constellations of Scorpius and Aquila may be seen as having a close relation. Moreover, the story about Cupid and Sagitta suggests that the constellations of Sagittarius and Sagitta also have a close connection. Just as Cupid shoots the arrow through his victom and transforms him or her into a procreative mood, so too Sagittarius shoots his arrow through the heart of the Scorpion transforming Scorpio into her creative eagle form, represented as Aquila. Aquila is pictured in the sky clutching Sagitta in an upraised claw, either being dragged forward by Sagitta or gliding with the arrow.
In case you didn't know.. Sung is Sagittarius and I am Scorpio.
Not the world's best love match.. but worth the struggle.