2.13 Houses of the Holy
I liked this ep. I didn't love it as much as last week's offering but I enjoyed it all the same. It was more thought provoking than most eps.
Dean on the vibrating bed was hilarious. Sam had no business being so po-faced about Dean's attachment to the vibrating bed given he was caught porning a couple of weeks ago.
I was surprised to see Dean with an MP3 player. This is the man that asked Sam why on earth he needed to update his tape collection in the Pilot.
Dean going stir crazy being under house arrest in the motel was spot on too. Loved his petulance there!
Loved the exchange about the unicorns!
If they did investigate the first murder it must have been before Sam went to see Gloria. Did think it was strange that Sam and Dean waltzed into the victim's cellar and found a fingernail embedded in the wall and a skeleton under the floor when the police obviously found zilch. You'd have thought the cops would have done a more complete search of the crime scene.
Sam looked incredibly young in this episode. I don't know whether that was deliberate, trying to make him seem as young and so willing to believe, while Dean as the older brother was so cynical and sceptical. When the light shone on Jared Padalecki's face as Sam saw the 'angel', he looked positively baby-faced.
Dean's little speech about his mum believing in angels and him taking her death as proof positive that angels don't exist was so sad. He was so shocked by the fact that Sam prays and has faith. I got the impression that Dean had never really thought about it before but that he assumed that Sam's views on God were the same as his.
I felt sorry for Sam when his belief in angels was shattered. I do understand his need to believe in something bigger and more powerful. After all, he knows that demons exist, isn't it only fair that there is a flipside of that, with an army of angels to fight the army of demons? I'm not sure that this will be the last mention of angels.
I don't know why the priest chose Sam to be his emissary. Like you said, it was obvious that he thought that Sam needed redemption but why? As far as we know, Sam has never done anything bad. He's seen a lot of bad things and he has been involved in some violence but why is he more in need of redemption than say Dean, who has done worse things than Sam?
Does the priest think that Sam is not innately evil as he selected him as an avenger rather than a victim.
That girl went from terror to being rescued by the best-looking bloke in the world. Nice trade! I was a little shocked that Dean left the traumatised girl alone in the dark in some dingy back alley though.
So in the end, the believer was disillusioned and the sceptic was rattled. Swings and roundabouts, my friends.
2.1 In My Time Of Dying
Oh, my love for this show knows no bounds! Still love this episode so, so much.
Sam protecting his family from the demon.
Dean in scrubs. There are no words to do justice to the beauty of this man. Still don't know how that actress kept her eyes off him when he was standing in front of her, snapping his fingers and waving his hand.
Sam refusing to give up on the Impala, equating that with giving up on Dean, was love.
'Dude, I full on Swayze'd that mother!'
Sam and Dean communicating through the ouija board. Sam was so desperate to talk to his brother, Dean so sceptical and then surprised.
Sam's speech to his brother. 'You can't leave me, not when we're just becoming brothers again.' killed me. Pity Dean didn't hear it but he wouldn't have remembered it anyway.
Dean and the reaper. Good chemistry there. She was very gentle but firm with him when he found out who she was. He didn't flinch away from her when she put her hand on his face or stroked his hair.
John finally telling Dean how proud he is of him. Dean's shocked face as his dad told him the secret about Sam.
Sam finding his dad on the floor. I still expected the coffee cup to fall over.
'He's our dad! He's our dad!'
'Time of death 10:41 am'
2.14 Born Under A Bad Sign
Loved this episode! Another really strong one.
Poor Dean going off his head as another one of his family disappears without warning. Loved how worried he was about Sammy, checking him for blood, but also being infuriated by him for disappearing. His little looks of annoyance and suspicion as they were following Sam's trail were great.
Seeing the footage of Sam actually killling the hunter was quite disturbing, and Dean obviously agreed with me there .
Was laughing out loud at how incredulous Dean was when the shop guy insisted that Sam had been stealing and drinking liquor, smoking and threatening him. 'This guy?'
Sam trying to get Dean to shoot him was so sad. My heart was almost breaking for Dean when Sam forced the gun into his hand and he couldn't do it. I thought for a moment that when Sam reached for the gun that he was going to try and use it on himself and Dean would have to stop him so I proper shrieked at the screen when Sammy knocked Dean out! And then to make it even worse, Sam took the Impala!
Up until then, I'd been pondering the idea that maybe Sam was possessed but after that I was convinced. And it turns out that bad!Sam is much more interesting than good!Sam. Not to mention hotter.
I'd seen Alona Tal's name come up on screen at the beginning of the ep and my heart had sunk a little but I really didn't mind Jo in this episode. I thought the scenes between Sam and Jo were really good, with both actors being better than they normally are. Sam mocking Jo about her crush on Dean and then trying to hit on her were so different to normal Sammy behaviour but psychotic!Sam was something else. I know Jared Padalecki is a big guy but he seemed huge when he turned on Jo. It seemed to me that he really relished the scenes where Sam was bad and Sam was really nasty to Jo when he tied her up, screwing with her head about how her father died. He did a fantastic job of really ratcheting up the menace factor. He was chilling.
Loved Dean scorching the demon with holy water and his determination to make him pay for taking Sam. There were definite parallels with John ordering Sam to shoot him in the S1 finale and Sam shouting at Dean to shoot him. The demon must have been very certain that Dean could never kill Sam to push him like that, otherwise it would have been sayonara to his demonic self as well as Sam.
Shrieked at the screen again when psycho!Sam shot Dean too. In fact, I was so wrapped up in the episode that I could forgive Jo for laying hands on Dean. Not so wrapped up in it that I didn't appreciate his biceps though. I thought that was a nice scene between the two of them. Didn't pick up on any latent attraction from his side but did get a glimmer of disappointment from her side when Dean walked away from her.
Was Dean in the Impala when he was trying to call Bobby? Because I thought Sam would have taken it, especially since he thought Dean was dead.
Thought Bobby's way of revealing the demon was brilliant. Nice flashback to Devil's Trap with the demon tied to a chair under the symbol. I was a little disppointed that we didn't get Dean speaking Latin for the exorcism but I soon moved to squeeing when the demon turned the tables on them like that.
I was all 'Oh, my GOD!' when psycho!Sam started punching Dean and squeezing his shot shoulder. We need a boxing smiley! Didn't expect the demon in Sam to be the same one that possessed Meg but I suppose it makes sense that if it escaped hell, it would come after Dean and there's no better way to come after Dean than through Sam.
Bobby was my hero when he burned the SOB on his arm and released Sam.
Absolutely loved Dean's croaked 'Sammy?' followed by a punch so hard that Dean fell over following through! That was just a perfect reaction from Dean for all the shit Sam had just (unwittingly) put him through. Loved Sam's look of shock and Dean falling over again, groaning in pain.
Thought Sam could have given Dean a break in the car in the end when he started banging on again about how Dean wouldn't shoot him and he should have. Loved Dean's answer that John had said he might have to kill Sam if he couldn't save him. 'And, if it's the last thing I do, I'm going to save you.'
Have I mentioned that I love this episode?
Next week's ep looks kind of strange but bring it on!