V : Here Come The Tears

May 12, 2005 00:33

Here come the queers
I was chatting to a ukrainian man the other day.

He was scruffy, unshaven and had a terrorists look in his eyes.
Don't go to Kyiv next week he warned.
'Why?' I asked. 'Bomb threat?','nuclear meltdown?', 'Terrorist takeover?'
'No' said the wiseman 'Eurovision song contest'

It almost slipped my mind that the most ridiculous week of my life starts next Wednesday.
Hurray for Eurovision.
Am currently listening to some of the camper songs at the moment to get me in the mood.
We have tickets for the very front, so tune your tellybox into Terry Wogan to see me in a silver sequined suit or something equally ridiculous.
For a sneak peak at this years contest head to http://www.eurovision.tv
Note - my room is not up for rent while i'm away on holiday!

Here come the birthday Cheers
So, Q+A came and went on Saturday... (after a lovely indian dinner - my first ever indian dinner)(sad but true)
We had a couple of hundred in at Q+A but it wasnt as busy as previous nights due to
the kiddies and their exams,
the bank holiday partiers and their bank balances,
the gays dancing in newly opened venue 'the dragon' with their penchant for things new and glossy.
The only good thing about the dragon is that it will reduce profits at the greedy george and you can take your drinks out to the smoking area.
gay pride!

We went to a muscle mary party after Q+A with the post George crowd.
The difference in classes from the 2 clubs was like a scene from Quadrophenia, with the clash of the mods and the errr other people.
Topless 45 year old men, chomping E and sniffing poppers, waving their tshirts in the air to the latest Eric Prydz tune. Why it's justification alone for doing Q+A.

Myself and Ronan entertained ourselves taking pictures and videos of this party, however it wouldnt be fair to publish these.
Infact my video phone more than paid for itself that night!

Here come the Germaine Greers
You might recall I mentioned previously that someone wants me to take 'my business venture' and do it in the UK.
Lots of wheeling and dealing this week - and I dont know what to do.
Its exciting that I won't just be Dublin based any more.
But I loose all the freedom I currently enjoy (ie - not having proper deadlines and getting up when I want)
plus the percentage they're offering isnt as attractive as I might have hoped.
What to do? I dont know... and I don't know of any experienced businessmen to consult about this exciting business takeover either, unless I log onto gaydar that is.

Here come the beers
Went to belfast to see 'The Tears' last Thursday.
We managed to get right up the front. There was a railing thing between me and Brett Anderson and nothing or no-one else *swoon*
I've never been so excited - Rory Has some great pictures of me standing right there beside Brett

Here is Picture #1

* = still waiting on delivery of image from Rory (so this substitute represents the moment perfectly)

I was also lucky enough to get hold of the setlist AND the lyrics to a new song that Brett had written.
It's so new, he had scribbled out words and changed them for other words.
It's such a collectors item - i'm kicking myself for scrunching it up in my drunkeness.

& Here is a scan of Bretts Lyrics

* = still waiting on delivery of lyrics from Rory (so this substitute represents the moment perfectly)

So speaking of drunkeness.
After the gig we went to some gay bar, where we found Panti and Veda doing Karaokee. I can't believe you cant escape the Dublin drag queens - even in a different country!
So we went to the Kremlin - where I got more and more and more and more drunk. To the point of ordering 3 drinks and smashing them all before even leaving the bar.
I think I snogged someone but I cant remember. I think I got sick but I cant remember.
I couldnt get out of bed the next morning - the man in the dump where we were staying was banging on the door to try get me out of bed - but I couldnt move.
I think these antics would make a great 'suede' song - but what rhymes with vomit?

Here come the smears
ughh thats enough blogging for one day - I cant remember what else i've done since the last blog.
Was at one of those cinema conferences last night, with slap up dins and free bar and I hardly drank anything at all.
I'm saving my liver for my date with Rufus Wainwright next Tuesday!

in other news

flyer #1
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