I got something really cool in the mail today right out of the blue from Jim Hayes. Jason Rodgers passed one of my Grunted Warning zines along to him and he dug it enough to send not only this great envelope, but a bunch of collage art he made, one example of which you can inspect above. Thanks Jim! He's got a blog too which I'm gonna check out right away >>>
assemblyplantmarietta.blogspot.com ... Well, I just clicked on it and get a 'Content Warning'. A good sign! ... After clicking the button that means 'I know there's some twisted shit out there and not only can I take it, but I actively seek it out, so bring it, punk!' I'm seeing bondage photos, mail art, some of Jim's works-in-progress (which look fucking awesome), old cheesecake photos, and more great stuff no doubt. I'm definitely gonna have to link to this fine blog!
Man, there's nothing like a Good Mail Day to make a Tuesday feel like a Friday.