Media Junky #14

Feb 23, 2011 21:06

16 pages, half digest size, send stamps, $1.00 or a nice letter to Jason Rodgers, PO Box 8512, Albany NY 12208, USA
Jason only reviews things with real actual physical addresses in his reviewzine, not surprising considering his staunch anti-internet position. It's hard for me to imagine, since I've got a leg in both camps. I love real paperzines and receiving stuff in my post office box, but there are also zines and people I never would have connected with if it wasn't for the internet.
Anyway, in this issue Jason reviews zines like Accept the Darkness (chaotic punk rock zine); Amphetamine Wolverine Blues (a cut 'n' paste zine by Kami, who also produces the '6-pack movie' reviewzine Sprak!); Anarchist Voice; Blackguard; Christian New Age Quarterly; Ray X X-Rayer ("devoted to conspiracy theories, paranormal phenomenon and generally any sort of cultural oddness"), Seven Inches to Freedom (punk/hardcore zine which sounds worth getting if only for the article 'Zines vs Blogs'), and more.
Then there's a 'Mu/Sick' review section focussing on extremely fringe music like grind, noise, industrial and spoken word.
Media Junky is a great resource, and never fails to inspire the reader to contact at least one ziner in there.

reviews, jason rodgers, media junky

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