Source: "McNabb doesn't regret black QBs comment"
In a bizarre interview that ended with McNabb walking off the podium at the Philadelphia Eagles practice facility Wednesday, the five-time Pro Bowl quarterback reiterated his statement on HBO that black QBs face greater scrutiny than their white counterparts.
"It's just reality," McNabb said. "It's something that I've been a part of and other quarterbacks before and after me have been a part of. Did I expect any backlash? Yeah. Everything I say, I expect backlash from it."
*sigh* I'm hating the spin on this. Yes he said it, and to an extent it's true. If it's something that exists in mainstream america why wouldn't it exist in its most popular sport? They also tried to use Vince Young's comments against Donovan, as if not jumping up and saying "black power, let's march" meant that "see, this black guy doesn't have a problem. You must be making it up"
arrrrr white america!!