Yesterday, Kyle, Katy, and I went to a Buddhist Temple.
It was sOOo pretty!! I really loved it.
Am I TIRED!!!*feels really tired and sleepy*
I went to sleep last night at 9:30 last night.
My car is being a pain. I went to get part of it fix a couple of weeks ago. They told me they needed to fix one more thing but it was going to be a bit costy...I dont have the money right not. I've been giving my mom the money so she can get it fix. But she has a low budget right i have to wait for her to pay off her cc bill, so we can fix the next thing for the car. Stupid car...I put 4 bottles of oil about 4 days ago, because it was running low of it. I turn on my car today after work, and it tells me AGAIN that's low of oil. It usually takes 6 bottles for my car. But since I only had 4, I was going to get 2 more bottles later...I'm no expert on cars...but 4 bottles should at least last way longer then just 4 days....I think the damn thing has a leak.GRRR!!!
I probably end up not going to work tomorrow, which i dont want to do that because I really need the hours, and I've been making some really good ones, and I just started this new job last week too! GAWD!
Anyway, here are some pics that I took of the Temple.