Nov 26, 2005 17:52
I have so many thoughts swimming around my head, and I can type a shitload faster than I can write, so here I am. There's something about a JOURNAL where what you wrote or typed is saved, I guess it makes it feel like your thoughts are validated more or something (as opposed to typing in word or something and then just deleting it).
This weekend was decent, since there were incredible times mixed with pretty shitty ones. It's too bad some assholes had to spoil everything, but I'm thankful for the friends and everyone I got to see and the good times that I did have.
I have no ipod, ever again, because people are fucking bastards (I will beat the person that stole my ipod until they cry btw) and I have no phone for like, probably a while since the Verizon people are crackwhores. No, I don't need a hug. Times like these are when I especially hate hugs... what I really need is a punching bag or something that I can rip to shreds very violently.
RENT rocks. I love it. Rent makes me think of Josh. The end. Harry Potter is good. This one was better than I remembered the other ones to be, even though I don't think I ever saw the third one, or ever read the fourth book.
Thanksgiving is such a kickass holiday. It's all about being happy for what you have and food. Those are two really important and extra special things in life. I might like the idea of Thanksgiving even better than the idea of Christmas... Christmas is obviously like eighty thousand times better than Thanksgiving and the season of Christmas is the best ever, but it's just a thought.
I love Steve and Brent a super amount because my house doesn't smell like beer anymore. Plus they're great people.
John Gong is cooler every time I see him... especially this time with the cat tail penis. Ryan and I have the hottest sex besides Emily and I. I totally love Crilley but I'm worried about him and I'm upset that I only got to see him once this weekend. I couldn't live without Ave. Danielle makes me laugh. Laura is god. Chrissy is my soulmate rugger (the reason I gave her that bruise... it was a love mark). I owe Drew my life because I know he'll always be there no matter what. Katie is hot. Dean was awesome to me this weekend. Dave is the best kid ever, I hope if I ever do have kids they turn out to be like him. Idk why I got into this because I could go on forever and it's pretty random and pointless.
I did close to zero practicing this weekend because I suck. Shit happens I guess. It didn't help that my mouth hurts + I feel like total crap.
I like making lists. Here are some.
Things I'm good at:
art, drawing
aural skills
certain types of dance
rocky shout outs
hair... when I try
Things I'm mediocre at:
scheduling/ prioritizing
Things I suck at:
ice skating
looking nice
remembering things
So... the things I'm good at are useless in life, the things I'm mediocre at are things I should be better at considering the work I have or currently do put in, and the things I suck at are pretty much all things that I'm working very hard to make into things that I'm good at. This makes for good New Years' resolutions.
An epiphany I had... my taste in the male species has changed, not drastically, but considerably in the past year or so. More lists:
What Carine looks for in a guy,
senior year of hs:
intelligence level doesn't really matter
long hair
football player
trombone/ low reed
freshman year of college:
buff... or big
needs to be smart, I can't stand stupid people
any length of hair, as long as I can play with it
my height or taller
hockey player
music nerd? Is that much different?
very low brass/ very low reed
That's only a few, and they may seem quite minor to you, but they're different for me.
Omg tonight was amazing. Some pictures are on facebook... I love it. The Conlons are both my life. And Chrissy is like the most ridiculously spectacular photographer EVER. I just decided that I love life.