The first presidential debate

Sep 26, 2008 23:46

I needed the second bottle of wine before the second question had been answered, is all I'm saying. It was so so so clear to me as I watched that Obama was the only one answering questions* with a modicum of probity or intelligence. But then, my partisanship extended to occasionally yelling "Yeah, preach it!" and, on some moments "Yes! now say it again! Again! with your shirt off!".

So I'm fairly sure that anyone watching the debate who already supported McSame would say that he came off better. Meh. All I know is that the Huffington Post 's liveblog is the most entertaining I've seen so far, idiots get the governments they deserve, and the spin will win this week.

Oh, and Rudy Guiliani is a satanic squirrel.

*Sidenote, though, seriously - PBS anchor and question-poser Jim Lehrer for President! That's in 2012, of course. Right now, my T-shirt still says "Colbert 08".

with friends like these, indecision 08

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