Glee tonight:
I have been extremely hit and miss watching this show for the past 2 years, but recently I have been watching the new episodes leading into tonight's Nationals competition episode because this has been a moment 3 years in the making.
In general this show has traded some of its early magic for shock value and cheap stunt tricks. IMO. There have been good moments, don't get me wrong, just... less of the element that drew me in as a viewer in the first place.
But tonight -- tonight had everything Glee is all about, on full glory parade. The character moments, and the performance moments, and finally, FINALLY getting to that We are the champions... glory moment, so long and hard earned.
Let's talk about Nationals for a second. This is where the New Directions glee club shines: their performance and choreography isn't the most sophisticated -- but the energy is absolutely infectious. That is the difference between them and their closest rival, Vocal Adrenaline. With VA I can appreciate the technique and challenge in the difficulty of what they are executing, but with ND I just want to get up on that stage with them and join their performance. I feel good listening/watching them perform.
Thank you Glee, for reminding me that you still have that magic in you, not just for an awesome solo for a character getting a spotlight focus in an episode, but for giving the club itself the chance to shine and sparkle and remind me of moments of glory and fun from my own high school days. WHEEE!!!!!