I have been so busy and exhausted lately, school and life and everything. On thursday everything for my workshop classes was due. (sculpture, printmaking, bookmaking and installation.) I had a crazy time trying to get everything finished up in time. To be honest, I felt very upset about my work this term--and I thought for sure I'd be going down a grade. I have had straight Distinctions for the last year and a bit--which is something to be really proud of, but I had gotten to a point where four Distinctions in a row is great, fantastic even. But, I was getting really frustrated of a year with never getting past that level. And this term, I apparently broke that barrier and finally got a High Distinction.
I am proud of myself, but really fucking shocked. I don't know what to do with myself, I just uhm. It was really unexpected.
So after coming off an insane stress and glee high, I had a sydney trip to see The Matches the very next day. You guys should have seen the look on my face when I found out that everything for school was due the day before my trip up. It was craaaazymaking.
So, me and my brother went to Sydney to see The Matches, and I also badgered
fingerbite to come up and see them too. It was awesome meeting you Ciaran! I am glad you did not think I was a creepy internet stalker! And I apologize for making you walk miles and miles and miles in those boots of yours. Let that be a warning to anyone who meets me in the future: I will make you walk. And walk. And then walk some more.
I'd had only three hours sleep after an already sleep deprived crazy week, so uh. I was kind of dead tired for most of my trip. But holy shit it was worth it. The Matches were so fantastic on stage--they had charisma and talent and were so fucking good. I could not have had a better end to my week. Shaun the main singer signed my hoodie!!! He signed Ciaran's hoodie. He let my fanboy brother hug him. :DDD And then my brother went on a mission and tracked down all the other members of then band and hugged them all. My brother has amazing fanboy skillz, yo.
I had such an amazing time that I can't really articulate it. I am just gleefacing all over the place. They played Sick Little Suicide and Scratched Out AND HOLY FUCKING GOD. I JUST. I WANT TO SEE THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. I cannot even express how fantastic Shaun is on stage--and the rest of the band. JUST NGGGGH. MY BRAAAAIN. I just uhm, can't stop flailing.
It was such a fun time--and I loved the fact that before the show Shaun was just wandering around the venue casually. I was amazed at how well behaved the fans were too--no over the top mobbing, so that gave me the guts to go near him. (I'm horrible with even going near band members. Most of the time I just want hide faaar away. /o\)
So yeah. Fantastic end to a crazy week. Ciaran, it was wonderful to meet you--you're awesome and I had a great time. We so have to do this again sometime. <3333
Now I have one more week of school to live through then I have two weeks of holidays. I am so looking forward to being able to rest. I'm behind on replying to comments and emails and such. I'd like to apologize to everyone I've kept waiting. As soon as this coming week is over I'll get to them. <3