Icon meme

Mar 19, 2008 09:42

This meme has been going around for a while on my flist, so I thought I'd participate...

Icon meme.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick four of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
(you don't have to do it though unless you want :))

impala_chick  chose these four icons of mine :


I made this one myself. I loved this moment in Dream A Little Dream Of Me (even though I don't want to see the boys hook up with Ruby or Bela). It's just too cute when Sam wakes up smiling but realizes immediately what he's dreamed about and he's all "ugh" one second later. ;) I use it  mostly in comments to drool over Jared or Sam pictures.


Also made by me. One of the first times I learned how to use brushes and masks when creating icons. I'm totally new at Photoshop so it took me a lot of time to make it, and fit that picture right in the polaroid frame. Jensen talks about performing "A Few Good Men" in front of his family and friends and memorizing so many lines, and he's all cute and shy and goes "oh no". Classic facepalm moment, so I use this icon if I need to express my own facepalm moment!


And yet another one made by me. Dude, do I need to explain this? Jensen is SO HOT while pushing that blue button, so I just HAD to make icons! *drools*


Ah, this one is made by 
janglyjewels . I love that it's simple and slightly wincesty. I have no idea which episode this is from, actually. But the way Sam looks at Dean is just adorable and the text 
janglyjewels  used is just so fitting. ;)  *cough*

These three were picked by
fallon_simply  :


Made by me, because I absolutely LOVED Mystery Spot, and it's the awesomest moment of the episode. After the first long hiatus and Malleus Maleficarum, I was saying I hoped we'd get another Winchester hug before the next hiatus and there it was! I squeed so hard.  It's just...awww. Sammy not letting Dean go. *sigh*


Made by
clubinthesky .  I just love that it's simple, but that little heart is just so much love. I love the J2. I love how awesome their friendship is and how much these two love each other. ♥


Made by the awesome
lierina. I love it when Jared smiles. It's just so infectuous. And I love the cropping of the icon, the font and the orangy colour. :)

These four were picked by
alexa_paris :


This icon was made by
stealth__grrl. Dude, my WINCEST icon!! Haha, I loved that moment in Jus In Bello when Dean said "you kinky bastard, we don't swing that way".


This icon was made by ladymansion, and it's my standard icon for commenting on posts or posting entries that have to do with the X-Files. That was my very first fandom ever and I was a big Mulder-Scully shipper.


See my explanation when
fallon_simply also picked that icon.


Most of my icons are from SPN, but this one is my icon for Beatles or Beatles-related posts. It's made by 
forgottensophie  and it's Paul McCartney (my favorite Beatles) in 1964. It's actually from a still from the Beatles' movie A Hard Day's Night. The Beatles in 1964 were THE HOTTEST GUYS EVER! Their hair was perfect, they looked so handsome, and Paul McCartney...*sigh* Don't get me started on him. Paul McCartney in 1964 is so, so, so very cute! The Beatles were my first crush ever since I was 12 years old and I listened to them all though my teens. Then I kinda forgot about them during my college years, but when Paul McCartney played a concert in Antwerp in 2003 I was hooked again. And it's for good this time, I'm sure. He's still my big love and I'm going to see him in concert in Liverpool in June and I CANNOT WAIT because this concert seriously is going to rock so hard!!! God I could talk about Paul and the Beatles forever...look at how I'm blabbing on and on...;)

meme, icons

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