Video rec

Jan 13, 2010 09:58

I just told some people I don't post too much about slash in my journal, but this time I'm going to, because I come bearing two video recs...But remember, it's slash so you've been warned.

1. Merlin fandom

This is all kinds of amazing and OMG!! And kissing!manip FTW!! ♥ It looks very real!
There's an actual story in this video and it's makes my slashy heart soooo happy! Why must we wait so long for the 3rd season of Merlin? *sigh*

Find more videos like this on BAM Vid Vault

Made by apinae , more info here.

2. Supernatural fandom

Jensen+Jared...ugh this video is so epic. J2 is EPIC!! The epic love/UST of these boys fills me with so much joy.

image Click to view

Made by fatedcinderella, links and download here.

And look, at 0:53 there's some of my Asylum footage for a second...I am so proud! :P

youtube, merlin, video, rec, supernatural, j2

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