more later.

Aug 24, 2008 15:30

What do you think about smoking weed?
If I could be stoned all the time, life would be pretty fucking awesome.

How did you wake up this morning?
Iain was being loud in the kitchen. I assume it was at least partly intended to wake me up.

Do you believe everything you hear?
I'm a cynical jerk but I'm also pretty gullible sometimes. Or maybe I just want to believe things.

What is the next big decision you have to make in your life?
What to do about living in this crap hole.

What are you wearing right now?
black jeans, a pink tank top and a green sweater.

Where were you at 11:45 AM today?
Sitting in a living room with 4 girls while the 3 boys in the kitchen made breakfast. Awww yeah.

What's the best eye color for the preferred sex?
I barely notice people's eye colours, so they're all good.

Who was the last girl you hugged?
Jen Hardwick

Who was the last boy you hugged?

Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?
I've learned to embrace the awkward.

If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Most likely that I'm pissed, but sad/tired/extremely stoned are also possibilities.

What time did you go to bed last night?
2:30 or so

Does anyone like you?
depressing question :/

What did you do Friday?
was in a piss mood most of the night, drank too much, did something stupid.

Do you love anyone?
lots of people.

What color are your eyes?

Have you ever been awake for 48 hours?
mmm I think 36 is my longest stretch.

Do you like your first name?
It's boring as hell but I can't imagine being anything else.

What are your initials?

How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries?
damn son

Any tattoos?
plenty, and they are all awesome

5/8" earlobes, 12g earlobes, industrial, 2 random ear ones that once made an orbital but it wouldn't heal, snakebites, nostril, vertical nipples.

Is there anyone you really can't stop thinking about?
ugh, don't ask me this now.

Look outside, how's the weather?
rainy as hell. pretty much can't wait to shower and change out of last night's clothes into pajamas and watch Kids in the Hall under a blanket.

Are you jealous of anyone right now?
man fuck this survey

Last time you ate grilled cheese?
whoa. too long. I always forget to buy bread.

When you think of the rainbow, what pops in your head?

How are you feeling?
not too shabby

Would you date someone 10 years older than you?
sure, if we had enough in common and wanted similar things

Do you trust all of your friends?
I'm too trusting for my own good :/

Are you into anyone?

Did you like anyone last summer?
I believe that was near the height of my horrific Dennis saga

Who was the last friend you saw?
Jeff. But June's coming over soon.

Who was the last person you thought about?
Lucas cause I'm talking to him on the msn.

How's your week going?
pretty crappily with a few high points.

Is there anyone you want to fight?
a lot of people, these days.

What's one of your favorite colors?

What are you doing tomorrow?
Going to work and probably injuring myself there. After that, who knows.

What's annoying you?
work. Aaron. myself. our landlord. a lot of things.

What were you doing an hour ago?
Sitting in Jeff's car listening to Radiohead.

Who was your last text from?

What color is the shirt you are wearing?
I'm wearing two shirts- hey didn't I answer this question already?

Where were you last night? And the night before?
Last night I was at Iain's going away party at Jeff/Jesse/Michelle's, Friday night I was at the Railway/Malone's/Richard's on Richards

Are you married?

Do you wish at 11:11?

Next vacation you're going to?
I don't think that far ahead.

Who did you last hit?
I threaten to hit people a lot more often than I actually do it.

What are you excited for?
my student loans

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell anything to?
I tell Iain most things.

Have you told anyone a secret in the past week?
If I tell them, is it even a secret?

Could you date someone taller than you?
I'm 5'3". I think I've only ever dated like 3 people who were shorter than me.

I forgot my camera. I knew this would happen.

surveys, parties

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